The ultimate illusion of the matrix. The greatest trick - TopicsExpress


The ultimate illusion of the matrix. The greatest trick perpetuated against humanity was the creation of religion. Religion has a need to divide good from evil. But in truth duality is an illusion. Good can not exist without evil and evil can not exist without good. For one to exist without the other would lose the definition of goodness or evil completely. The God that most religions worship is the same, dual. He is both good and evil. He is both Jehovah and Satan. For one does not exist without the other. They compliment one another, that is because They are one in the same. The elite, royal family, cabal, Jesuit, Pope, and various other people in power do not meet in secret and worship an opposite God. They worship the same god that they meet on holy days and special events and present themselves as followers of. To outwardly worship a good god and then in secret worship an evil god would only divide their power and one would null the other out. Creating a void. Why would the elite go to great lengths to have the people follow, pray, and devout their energies to a good god and then in secret very small groups meet and give power to an evil god? Do you see how that would create an imbalance? The masses would give power to the good god and thus according to the churchs theology good would constantly win over evil and this world would be a paradise. Here is how deep the rabbit hole goes people, they have the people worship the same god that they meet in secret and do dark rituals for. The god of the old testament is the same god that people worship today. Again read the Gnostic texts (link below) to learn that Jesus did not worship that same god and that is why the church went to great lengths to remove those texts from history. Only due to references in early texts and the recent discovery of the Gnostic texts are we able to see the truth. The god of the old testament actually preferred blood sacrifice over the bounty of the planet of fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. This god supported the whole genocide of his own children. This god created laws that allowed for slavery and the ability to remove free will from other people and living beings. This god promoted war at every turn. This god allowed the rape of children under three years old because they have no soul. And yes I could write a whole book on the atrocities and corruption of this god. The people must open their eyes and realize that they worship the same dark god that they elite cabal do, and his name is Jehovah.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 18:50:41 +0000

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