The unrest in America caused by the Illegal Alien presidency of - TopicsExpress


The unrest in America caused by the Illegal Alien presidency of the Illegal Alien, Barack Hussein Obama and his Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) Congress and Senate by opening their arms to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, their terrorist organizations and camps throughout America and the Muslim people and their refusal to secure our borders ... THIS IS THE TRUTH and the CONSEQUENCES Of Americas failure to prevent it ... The Islamist Socialist Obama has Islamic Cells in just about every city in America and still is taking in many more ... Whose fault is this ??? ... Primarily those Americans that voted for them, Congress and the American people who refuse to stop it. The American People and Congress needs to: 1. SECURE OUR BORDERS 2. IMPEACH OBAMA, HIS CABINET and HIS ADMINISTRATION 3. VOTE THE DSP OUT OF OFFICE (Congress and Senate). 4. TAKE BACK AMERICA! 5. DRIVE THESE ISLAMIST MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, ITS TERRORIST, TERRORIST CAMPS OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT and OUT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.... CLOSE ALL ISLAMIST TERRORIST TRAINING CAMPS DOWN IN AMERICA. 6. MAKE LEGISLATION TO MAKE IT ILLEGAL FOR SHARIA TO BECOME LAW IN EVERY STATE AND IN OUR FEDERAL COURTS. The bottom line is: IF the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood in America and the Islamist Muslims: 1. Refuse to support and defend Our US Constitution ... 2. IF They refuse to obey our laws ... 3. IF they refuse to Become Americans and to integrate within our society as any of the other immigrant are required to do ...and 4. IF they refuse to accept our way of life ... Then they assuredly DO NOT NEED TO BE IN AMERICA ... And, IF BHO, his cabinet, administration and his DSP will not put an end to this Islamist Muslim Brotherhood take over, then AMERICANS and CONGRESS Surly needs to make it happen. IMPEACH BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, his Cabinet and his Administration ... VOTE THE DSP Out of Congress and out of the Senate and out of state and local governments in 2014 and 2016 ... The Fate of America, our Constitution, the American people and Our way of Life is in your hands America!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 22:19:41 +0000

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