The use of baking soda — or sodium bicarbonate as its known in - TopicsExpress


The use of baking soda — or sodium bicarbonate as its known in the science world — dates back to the ancient Egyptians, who used it as cleansing agent. Today, however, we use baking soda in lots of ways, from making delicious chocolate chip cookies to whitening our teeth and myriad more applications. So before you open that box of Arm & Hammer and stuff it in the back of the fridge, take a few minutes to consider how else you can put baking soda to use around the house with these 27 ideas. (See also: How Baking Soda Took My Bathroom From "Yuck" to "Yes!") 1. Use as a Natural Deodorant Instead of handing over several dollars for an expensive name-brand deodorant, pat your pits with baking soda to eliminate body odor. 2. Use as an Antacid If you suffer from heartburn or indigestion, drink a solution of baking soda (1 to 2 teaspoons) and water (8 oz.) after dinner. 3. Soothe Insect Bites Apply baking soda directly to affected areas to soothe the stinging or itching sensation associated with insect bites. 4. Soak Oral Appliances Dissolve 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of warm water to soak oral appliances like dentures or retainers. The baking soda will help loosen food particles and reduce odor. After soaking overnight, brush the appliance with baking soda. 5. Foot Soak Substitute baking soda for Epsom salt when your little piggies have had a hard day. Let your feet soak, and then gently scrub them. 6. Freshen Sponges Stinky sponges smelling up your kitchen? Soak them in a solution of baking soda (4 tablespoons) and water (1 quart) to breath new life into them. 7. Polish Silver Make a paste of three parts baking soda and one part water and rub onto tarnished silver with a clean cloth. Rinse and dry thoroughly. 8. Clean the Oven Forget about the harsh chemicals the next time you need to clean the oven. Instead, sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of your oven and spray it with water until it’s damp. Let the baking soda sit overnight, then clean it out with ease using a sponge or towel. 9. Deodorize Trash Cans A sprinkle of baking soda in the bottom of your cans will help quell offensive odors. 10. Put Out Fires Use baking soda on small household fires — especially in the kitchen — to extinguish them quickly and efficiently. 11. Use as a Face Wash Mix baking soda with honey to create an all-natural, healthy face scrub that’s gentler on your skin that store-bought exfoliants. 12. Treat Acne Make a paste using baking soda and water and spot-apply it to unwanted blemishes. 13. Settle Your Stomach The natural alkaline in baking soda helps neutralize acid that causes stomachaches. When your tummy hurts, drink a glass of water mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda. 14. Relieve Diaper Rash If you baby suffers from diaper rash, soak him or her in a small tub mixed with two tablespoons of baking soda to help soothe and heal the irritated skin. 15. Soothe a Jellyfish Sting Rub baking soda to the area of skin that was stung by a jellyfish to help draw out the poison. 16. Add to a Vaporizer Adding 2 teaspoons of baking soda to a vaporizer will help freshen the air, so you can breathe cleaner and better. 17. Keep Flowers Fresh Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a vase of water to help keep flowers fresh longer. 18. Reduce Foot Odor Sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of your stinky gym shoes to chase the odor away. 19. Repel Rain on Windshields Rub your windshield with baking soda, then rinse it off to create a surface that repels rain, so you can see better. 20. Restore Stiff Brushes If you have brushes whose bristles have hardened, save them by placing them in a pot of boiling water mixed with a tablespoon or so of baking soda. The bristles will loosen and the brush will return to working order in about five minutes. 21. Kill Roaches Mix baking soda and powder sugar to kill roaches. Place the mixture on small lids where the vermin congregate. The sugar will attract the pests, while the baking soda will poison them. 22. Freshen Kitty Litter If the scent of kitty business permeates your home, try mixing the litter with baking soda to draw out some of the stench. 23. Defeather Chicken Add a tablespoon of baking soda to a pot of water intended for boiling a chicken to help remove any lingering feathers. 24. Remove Marks From Vinyl If you have a kid who likes to color on your vinyl surfaces, calm your nerves knowing that a solution of baking soda and water will wipe away the unsightly marks. 25. Clean a Coffee Maker Fill your coffee carafe with a quarter-cup of baking soda and one cup of warm water. Swirl the solution around so the baking soda dissolves a bit, then pour the solution into the reserve tank of the coffee pot. Place the carafe back under the dripper and run the coffee pot. When the dirty baking soda-water solution has run its course, clean the carafe, fill it with clean water, add it to the reserve tank, and run the coffee pot once more. Clean the carafe and replace. 26. Boost Your Laundry Detergent Pour a half-cup of baking soda into the wash if you use liquid detergent to give the stain-fighting power a boost. 27. Make a Sports Drink If you like sports drinks but hate paying the high prices, consider making your own using baking soda.This recipe for a homemade sports drink includes, water, baking soda, table salt, salt substitute, and sugar. You also can add your own flavors to help make the medicine go down.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 02:40:55 +0000

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