The villagers’ testimony followed a cavalcade of horrors - TopicsExpress


The villagers’ testimony followed a cavalcade of horrors detailed by Army prosecutor Lt. Col. Joseph Morse, who read from a 32-page “stipulation of facts” that described how Bales slaughtered women, children and elderly men. Room by room, step by step, Morse described in brutal detail how Bales encountered each of his victims throughout a chaotic night, rampaging into brick-and-mud family compounds and indiscriminately kicking, beating and shooting his victims, sometimes while they pleaded for their lives. “By this time, the accused had formed the specific intent to murder any Afghan he saw regardless of their age or gender,” Morse said of Bales’ initial massacre at Alkozai. Shooting most of his victims at close range, Bales then burned the bodies of most by dousing them with kerosene from a lamp and then setting them ablaze. Bales halted the massacre “only when he was low on ammunition,” Morse added, returning to his outpost to reload and head to a second village to resume killing...#usa..#afghanistan
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 06:05:00 +0000

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