The war against terror The first World War was not a “war - TopicsExpress


The war against terror The first World War was not a “war against Mustard Gas”, Mustard gas was a weapon. The enemy was Germany and Central Powers. The Second World War was not against the famous German aircraft “The Messerschmitt”, The Messerschmitt was a weapon. The enemy was fought was Germany, Italy, and the other Axis Powers. The Third Word War, which the US is fighting now, is not a war against terror. Terror is a weapon. A weapon called for by the enemy’s textbook, the Koran (Qur’an). The enemy is ISLAM and its teachings of Dar al-harb (Adobe of Devastation or realm of Warfare). Its 14 century old jihad against all who do not accept its medieval morality, and its demands to impose dhimmitude (status of civil subjugation) on any who resist its insistence upon submission. IF WE REFUSE TO TRUTHFULLY DEFINE THE ENEMY, WE CANNOT HOPE TO DEFEAT HIM. So long as our leaders and the media do not abandon that self-defeating form of “political correctness”, which requires them to substitute the name of a weapon for the name of the enemy, movement will continue to conquer and devour every culture, every civilization and every faith that doesn’t submit to its demands. What some apologists call “Islamism” and “islamoFascism” and “ Extremist Islam” are not aberrant strains of Islam, they are in fact, pure Islam. Muslims around the world know very well that Islam is the target. They understand the truth which we continue to hide it. Now we, too, must have the courage and honesty to acknowledge PUBLICALLY that ISLAM IS THE ENEMY. Unless we accept the unpleasant fact that we are engaged in a long-term defensive “war against Islam”, we better start teaching our children and grandchildren how to memorize the Koran in Arabic in lieu of going to our churches or synagogues. History in the ME proves just that. THAT IS THE TRUTH. Ive published the above article back in 2002. Look what happened during the last decade. Unbelievable. Isnt it? I, kind of expected it, that is why I started on September 12, 2001 trying to warn Americans of the huge danger of this extremely evil system Islam. Ignorance is the main factor for allowing Islam to spread in our country. Wake up America.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 20:11:48 +0000

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