The whole world looks with disdain on the Russian leadership , - TopicsExpress


The whole world looks with disdain on the Russian leadership , which for several months leading informational, psychological warfare , and the end of February this year and the beginning of wanton aggression against Ukraine. Events in Ukraine , which began as a student demonstration, and because of their brutal acceleration escalated into widespread resistance inhuman gangster regime of governance in Ukraine and ended the bloody events , the shooting of demonstrators , the expulsion of President Yanukovych , a thief and a bandit regime created in Ukraine and police judicial lawlessness . Against the government of thieves and embezzlers rebelled all the peoples of Ukraine - Ukrainian and Russian , east and west , north and south of Ukraine. We in this matter and nebilo differences , died on the barricades Ukrainians, Russian , Belarusians from the east and the west of Ukraine. Among the dead , even a Russian citizen from the Kaliningrad region and the citizen of Belarus . Putins Russian propaganda in the press, on television in Russia, called the Ukrainian people , fighting for their honor , justice, and the desire to live in a normal country , fascists , nationalists and Bendera . Everything is done in order to sow enmity and hatred between the two peoples. Do not believe your official propaganda . Mafia greater than Putins leadership of Russia in the world there . Even Russians demonstration calling for peace with the fraternal Ukrainian people ended up in Moscow and St. Petersburg for their members in police custody. That kind of democracy in Russia. Russian brothers ! Do not believe their rulers , no help Russians living in Ukraine does not need . Putin is all propaganda in favor of partition and subjugation of Ukraine. Without Ukraine , Putin sees Russias future. In Ukraine, all nations equal among equals , Russian no spread rot , its all nonsense , the propaganda of the Putin regime to achieve its geopolitical objectives . Putin , fearing the loss of his power in Russia , clinging to the last possible seal , raise false patriotic spirit of the peoples of Russia , uses nonsense about the alleged oppression of Russian in Ukraine. Who was in the Ukraine, the Crimea , you saw somewhere Russian oppression ? You heard what language we communicate ? All Ukraine , from west to east and communicate in Russian and Ukrainian free. All Ukrainians know , talk to each other and love the Russian language. Now in Putins leadership is trying to deceive the people of Russia and the whole world that the Russians living in Ukraine have risen in the Crimea, eastern regions of Ukraine in order to secede from Ukraine and be a part of Russia . Its all true , Ukraine noticed to thousands proplachennyh instigators and gangs in order to ASRA people and implement their imperial plans. From late February to Ukraine , the Crimea. illegally introduced special forces military units of the Chechen Republic , Krasnodar Region and other regions of Russia , where they were introduced , before the approval of the Council of Federation of Russia and under the guise of exercises conducted in the Russian border with Ukraine regions. If there is a question of fascism , nationalism , and other isms , all this booming and is cultivated in the Kremlin. We are now working Parliament, elected in 2012 , still under the rule of the dictatorial regime of Yanukovych , created a new legitimate government , no riots and all that you tell . No , will not flee the country , Russian , Ukrainians, Jews and other peoples live in peace and friendship . Work and worked all the time, enterprises , shops , markets , government institutions and no panic in Ukraine. In our problem - the aggression of the Russian government , the illegal deployment of troops in the Crimea . We do not want war with the fraternal Russian people , while our military units Crimea , undergoing hardships, surrounded by Russian special forces suffer no more was heard a single shot from our side. Your soldiers also did not want to fight with us. Do you want to receive in zinc coffins of their sons , brothers and dear ones? We ask you : Stop your overweening rulers , it may end badly, not only for you and can ignite the fire of world war. Do not be silent , call for prudence their government . Aggression in the real world there is no place ! Spread the truth about your deysvie Putin , against the independent state of Ukraine .
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 12:46:17 +0000

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