The world continues to watch the horrific massacres in Gaza. The - TopicsExpress


The world continues to watch the horrific massacres in Gaza. The collusion of global powers with the murderous Zionist occupation and biased media coverage only increases feelings of helplessness for many. Muslims during this blessed month of Ramadhan have expressed their true sincerity and love for their Ummah as they have donated huge amounts of sadaqah for Gaza; encouraged the boycott of Zionist goods and cried out in their desperation for someone to help – even lobbying Western governments or the United Nations to come to the aid of the suffering Muslims of Gaza. Yet, the Zionist entity continues its murderous onslaught, undeterred – even enjoying the support of Western governments. To understand what will truly and can actually end the massacres in Palestine, we would remind Muslims of the following things: 1. Only an army can stop an armed assault of this scale. Not even the sincere resistance by people within the occupied lands can achieve liberation and defence from such massacres. The regimes in the Muslim world have given the Zionist entity a green light to carry out its massacres by doing nothing – despite the armies of countries like Egypt, Turkey and Pakistan possessing a capability to confront the onslaught. Whilst the Muslims in Egypt, Turkey, Saudi, Pakistan and elsewhere cry out for something to be done – their rulers expose their betrayal of the Ummah by the inaction. 2. The Muslim World has significant political, military and economic muscle – and could be influential, if countries like Turkey, Egypt and Jordan broke diplomatic, military and trade relations that they insist on maintaining; or if countries like Saudi Arabia and Gulf States used their muscle as major oil and gas producers. Sisi’s Egypt, aside from having one of the strongest armies in the region, directly borders Gaza, but has closed the Rafa crossing, preventing urgent humanitarian aid from entering Gaza and people from leaving the war zone. Instead of coming to the aid of Muslims, some state-run media outlets in Egypt have come out in support of Netanyahu’s massacre of helpless Muslims! Erdogan’s Turkey, maintains over eighty agreements of co-operation with the Zionist entity – including trade, agriculture, education and military co-operation. Were Turkey alone to boycott the Zionist entity and break these agreements, the Zionist entity would be suffocated of vital support to sustain capabilities it is using to perpetrate its massacre – a far more effective boycott. Saudi Arabia and Gulf States, despitespending petro-billions on state-of-the-art weaponry from the West, does not use them to secure the sanctity of Islam, its noble sites and Muslim life. The Gulf States could solve the need for donations of food, water and infrastructure single-handedly. They have the ability to fundamentally change the nature of the conflict if the Islamic political will existed. Additionally, Jordan maintains over twenty agreements of co-operation with the Zionist Entity; Pakistan fails to act despite possessing a strong military capability. 3. There is a need for sincere Islamic leadership. It is clear to anyone that the only way the Ummah can mobilise its significant military, political and economic muscle is if the criminal and illegitimate regimes in the region – which have been the main protectors of the illegal Zionist entity for decades – are replaced with a sincere Islamic leadership that defends Muslims. This would be a real Khilafah Rashidah. 4. We must stand as One Ummah - The actions Muslims here undertake to stand by their brothers and sisters in Gaza and elsewhere – to support them, speak out for them and not to forsake them is part of our Islam. The Messenger of Allah (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said “The Muslim is the brother of another Muslim; he does not betray him, lie to him or forsake him. The whole of the Muslim is sacred to his fellow Muslim – his honour, his wealth and his blood. Taqwa (piety) is here (in the heart). It is sufficient evil for a man to despise his brother.” [Muslim, al-Tirmidhi]. There is huge pressure from the British state to cut the ties to the Ummah. Charities are threatened with closure for supporting Muslims in Gaza and elsewhere. People are labeled as ‘extremist’ or ‘anti-semitic’ for opposing the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Maintaining actions that show heart-felt care and support are worthy things to do – such as the Sadaqah that is given; public demonstrations of support; redressing the pro-Zionist propaganda and lies that are said about the crisis and what is happening. Whilst we should be clear that these things cannot stop the massacres and killing they are not acts without value. 5. We should not seek help from where Allah has said not to – We must follow Islam and its Shari’ah in all matters and all times – including in regards to how we respond to such crises, as Allah SWT commands: ‘Say, ‘Obey Allah and the Messenger.’ (Translated meaning of Quran 3:32) He SWT also instructs: ‘And do not incline toward those who do wrong, lest you be touched by the Fire, and you would not have other than Allah any protectors; then you would not be helped.’ Quran 11:113. Muslims cry out for the help of Allah – yet we cannot expect this if we start looking to oppressive governments or institutions, who Allah has told us to stay away from. Besides being in contradiction to the noble ayahs above (as well as others) it is foolish to think that petitioning governments like that of Britain (who occupied Palestine in World War One, then promised it to outsiders as a Zionist homeland) or America (who have supported the Zionist occupation like no other state has) will result in anything other than misery for the people of Palestine. It is foolish to think that the UN – who have institutionalised the occupation, massacres and oppression of the people of Palestine – will doing anything except delay the arrival of the help and protection of Allah. So, what can Muslims in the UK do? It should be clear that the ability to actually change the situation in Gaza and liberate Palestine lies in the hands of its powerful and capable Muslims neighbours. Muslims in the UK must support and be a voice for this solution: Remind people that the REAL solution lies in mobilising the military, political and economic muscle we possess – and this will only happen under a sincere Islamic leadership. Expose these criminal rulers who collude with the Zionist occupiers in every way. Maintain acts of solidarity to stand with the Muslims of Gaza, despite the pressures to stop doing so Inform people of the ongoing atrocities, so that voices of support grow as wide and far as possible. Name and shame the Zionist entity and the Western governments who support it. Do not seek help where Allah (SWT) forbade it – or, indeed, where it is politically naïve to expect any sincere help. Such things only perpetuate the decline of this Ummah. We must keep seeking help from Allah (SWT) – and encourage our Imams and Masajid to raise the issue through their khutbah and dua’ asking for Allah to rescue the Muslims of Gaza and liberate Al Quds and the whole of Blessed Bilad al Shaam. And your Lord says, “Call upon Me; I will respond to you.”(Al Qur’an 40:60) [HTB] #GazaUnderAttack #AJAGaza
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 14:31:26 +0000

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