{Theatres} Russian Spiritual Theater Glas. Russian spiritual - TopicsExpress


{Theatres} Russian Spiritual Theater Glas. Russian spiritual theater ”Glas” was founded on 24 April 1989 and in 1991 received status of the state theater. Founders, heads and leading actors of the theater are Nikita Astakhov and Tatyana Belevich – graduates of the oldest theater Institution of Higher Education named after M.S.Schepkin. They could unite talented people around and form highly professional troupe and not simply to create a new theater but to confirm its creative position - orthodox artists ofRussia. First time for last decades “GLAS” could overcome artificial gap between the Church and theater art. Nikita Astakhov and Tatyana Belevich are authors of the original plays who take their special place in the theater life ofMoscow. These are such performances, as “Christian Nikolay” (based on a N. V.Gogols work of fiction “Old-World Landowners” and patristic literature), “It is the Christ-baby”, “For Russia Sacred!”, “Vanka, Keep Your Eyes Open!” and “We Will be Alive – We Will not Die!” (based on V.M.Shukshin works), etc. Great attention is paid to classics in the theater to such writers as A.S.Pushkin, N. V.Gogol, A.N.Ostrovsky, F. M.Dostoevsky and S.A.Yesenin. Address: 60 Patnitskaya st. Website: theatreglas.ru Source: travel2moscow
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 08:22:27 +0000

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