Theory Races: Maybe Ill shock a lot of people here, but I think - TopicsExpress


Theory Races: Maybe Ill shock a lot of people here, but I think the concept of Race, speaking of Rights, is unfounded. About him, there is only one race, the Human Race. The peculiarities of a particular ethnic group - the color of his skin, his hair, the fact that it is larger or smaller, or more slender muscular, etc. - Issues that are places where the latter have developed. But originally, the Human Race was born in the Horn of Africa, particularly in the Great Rift Valley. Homo erectus to Homo sapiens, Neanderthal Croc-Magnon, in a million years that saw it evolve into its present form, it has only to adapt to its environment , climate, diverse and varied situations that she faced. It is man himself who introduced the concept of Breed according to the different ethnic groups from which it came. I would even say more: it is the white man, European, convinced of his superiority over his brothers and sisters born in the most hostile territory, in places where they have developed other religions, other ideological concepts, etc. . which began to develop, and to enrich it. She served him to assert his supremacy over the people he met on his journey as and when it expands, this totalitarian desire to impose its law, religion - Christian - his vision of the universe. Obviously, the White Man is not the only one to have succumbed to this hegemonic temptation. From antiquity to the present, the great civilizations that succeeded wanted to rule over the people conquered by them at one time or another in their history: Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Hebrews, Greeks, Romans, Mayans, Incas, etc. ; all desired to impose on the peoples subject to them by their arms predominance. All have seen their civilization which was likely to guide those they considered Inferior Races, unable to survive without them. Religions have often been the catalyst for this ideology: if Christians and Muslims are engaged in a fierce struggle for centuries to impose the supremacy of their worship, it is because they confuse Religion and Race. Arabs are necessarily Muslims - fundamentalists at that - the Christians are necessarily whites and imperialists. Indeed, gradually, this duality has turned into belief that they are specific and necessarily incompatible Races, and spawned racism, xenophobia, isolationism same. In his fear of the stranger, the one who thinks and does not live like him. Forgetting that it is only him who built this specification. He used to justify his desire to dominate. The Jew, the Arab, European, the Asiatic, the American Indian, has in turn been a victim or executioner, imperialist or subject. Today, in a globalized world where man feels lost to the titanic challenges ahead in order to adapt to an ever-changing future, he clings to ideas that reassures. He believes that by continuing to pound his Race is greater than that of his brother or his sister, that it intended to lead to, it fuels his fear of difference. As if that difference was a disease, infection, a virus, it is necessary to destroy at all costs. At the risk of renewed monstrosities appeared in the first third of the Twentieth Century with Fascism and Nazism, and created by those who had faith in the idea of Superior Race. If, now, these ideas are deeply rooted in the collective unconscious, resurface regularly is that they are all accentuated by strips challenges our post-modern society is facing: unemployment, poverty, famine, population migration related climate changes of our time, the rule of money-king on the right of the individual to exist; which resembles a return to slavery obscure Ages abolished in the mid 19th century, many more. All these symptoms are in fact only resurgence of racial obsolete notions based on ignorance, credulity, and outdated traditions. I am convinced that it is vital to overcome these ideas Race, Tradition and Religion, this confusion between these three concepts more often if Man want sen release itself. If he wants to overcome the ultimate bestial elements that kept him, and dating from the time when the border and the Human Animal was not defined. This is inevitable in the long run because ultimately, to return to the opening words of this text, we are all one race, one species whose differences are diminishing over time, and is intended to continue its evolution; or, if it does not renounce his baser instincts, to perish ... Dominique
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 14:03:42 +0000

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