There are Dem and Rep voters alike who would never consider voting - TopicsExpress


There are Dem and Rep voters alike who would never consider voting across party lines. Im one of those now --- but let me explain. I havent always been that way. There used to be a contingency of middle of the road conservative Dems who I had respect for. One of my favorites was Sam Nunn of Georgia. It wasnt that I agreed with Sam on a lot but he didnt insult my intelligence by saying totally ridiculous things that I knew out of hand were BS. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Shelia Jackson Lee, Henry Waxman, Diane Feinstein, Barrack Obama, The Clintons, and the list is endless as to the buffoonery and outright insulting language coming out of our federal government from the Dem side of the isle. Obama could feed old people battery acid and tell them its vitamins and the afore mentioned butt kissers would fall over each other in order to be first to the mike in order to nod their little acorn heads and lie about it just like they did ObamaCare. Again let me state ----- my problem isnt with Dems, my problem is with LIARS! Liars who tell me things which are unbelievable with the expectation that Im ignorant enough to believe it out of hand. That, in a nutshell, is the problem.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:38:40 +0000

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