There are Republicans among American voters who ridiculed a - TopicsExpress


There are Republicans among American voters who ridiculed a statement by Secretary of State John Kerry to the effect that the Putin regime which governs Russia, invaded Ukraine in what was in effect a demonstration of weakness and not strength. These conservatives chose to misinterpret Kerrys remark so as to justify ridiculing his intellect, competency, and extreme bravery in the Vietnam war. In fact, Kerrys was a valid conclusion based on the facts. The Russian government led by Mr. Putin could not possibly be happy with the broad array of sanctions that will certainly follow from an act of aggression on such a large scale. A substantial number of the available sanctions will be economic in nature. And this disregard of international law and accepted norms will also be damaging to Russias efforts to improve relations with many of the nations which Russia was actively courting! This unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has caused much damage to Russias reputation in the eyes of the world. How can Russia be trusted? How can the democratic nations of the world be willing to partner with a country capable of such a transgression? And furthermore: How difficult will it be for Russia to work its will on Ukraine in terms of installing a puppet government and all that entails? How will Russia manage to meet its security needs in Ukraine? Will Russia engage in widescale violations of human rights? Will they resort to torture? Will Russia carry out mass arrests of suspected members of any Ukrainian resistance movement? Will thousands or tens of thosands of prisoners be held indefinitely and without trial? What is the end-game? For how long is Russia willing to engage in this endeavor? And what costs and sacrifices can Russia accept? Russia did not want to invade. They did not want to face the consequences of such a difficult undertaking? If Russia was acting from a position of strength, they would not have been willing to commit such an act of aggression. It was the last resort of a country with no other way out. Therefore Kerrys statement that Russia acted out of weakness, not strength, was accurate.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 02:36:01 +0000

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