There are many other beliefs about who or what God is. Some people - TopicsExpress


There are many other beliefs about who or what God is. Some people think its intolerant or arrogant for anyone to claim that only one belief system is true so all the others are false. But as you can see each religion (Buddhists, Muslim, Hindus, Jews, New agers etc) offers a concept of God that is contradictory to that of other religions. Therefore, they cant all be true. How do we decide which one, if any, are right? In order to determine the validity of each option, first we would have to examine the religious texts of various belief systems. Then apply some sort of test to see which one is true. Some of the texts include: The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Book of Mormon, The Peral of Great Price, The Koran, The Hadith, The Bible, The Bhagavad Gita, The Vedas, and so on. What basic test can we apply to a text to determine whether it is true? What is the Bible? It is a compilation of 66 books written by more than 40 writers over a period of 1600 years that reads like one book by one author. The unity, harmony, and accuracy of the Bible cannot be compared with that of any other book. The Bible is, by its very existence, evidence of a Divine Hand writing through devoted men. Let me explain to you why the Bible is unique and should be taken seriously. One Bible scholar stated it this way: Consider for a moment the sheer miracle of the Bible. It was written by over 40 writers during the span of more than 60 generations! These writers were from a variety of backgrounds: kings, herdsmen, soldiers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, scholars, priests, and prophets. The writers wrote on the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe in the languages of Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. Yet the Bible manages to (present) one unfolding drama of redemption. How is it possible that the Bible could have been written in the most complex and counterproductive way imaginable, and yet manage to fit together so accurately? Think about that for a minute... When youre done also know this: The Bible was also the first book ever published, back in the 1450s when the printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. And from there, the Bible has been the best selling book of all time. Bible sales are about 150 million PER YEAR! With approximately 4 BILLION Bibles in print, in over 2,000 languages. No other book even comes close. There is something about it that draws people all over the world to want to read it. But that doesnt prove anything... What was it that would prove there is no way that the Bible could be from man, but must be from the hand of Almighty God? Well for starters, how about; 100% accuracy in foretelling the future. In the Koron, the ONLY instance of a specific prophecy is when Mohammed predicted that he himself would return to Mecca, a prophecy very easy for him to fulfill himself. And that is it! The Bible on the other hand, contains more than 2,000 detailed prophecies in the Old Testament alone. In fact, 25% of the Bible is predictive in nature. Moreover, scientific evidence supports the Bible. The Creator of the universe, of course, knows how His creation operates, and He has given us evidence of that fact throughout the Bible, plenty throughout the book of Job, Isaiah and many others. Talking about; invisible matter, radio-waves, thermodynamics and much more! Continuing, archaeological evidence supports the Bible. Over 25,000 archaeological finds that provide support regarding people, their titles, and their locations mentioned in the Bible. Interestingly, not one of those finds has contradicted the Bible. And theres more: Historical evidence supports the Bible. One thing to consider is the original or early manuscripts of that document. Then we must ask: How close to the original is what we have today? In the case of the bible, today we have over 24,000 ancient copies of portions of the New Testament. The next closest in all of antiquity is Homers Iliad, of which we have 643 ancient copies. Also, among ancient writings, there is no other text that has manuscripts that come as close in time to the original writings as the Bible does. In addition, the book must also be free of any known contradictions. If a book contradicts itself, then it isnt reliable. The external evidence for the Bible is also amazing. Tacitus, a Roman historian, and Joesphus, a Jewish historian, both support the historical accuracy of the Bible. For example, there were seventeen secular historians who wrote about the death of Jesus by Crucifixion. The Bible accurately describes history down to the smallest of details, and history attests to the accuracy of Scripture. For example, the rise and fall of great empires like Greece and Rome (Daniel 2:39-40) and the destruction of major cities (for instance, Tyre, Sidon; Isaiah 23) are described in the Bible. Intensive and prolonged study have shown that the historical accuracy of the Bible is far superior to the written records of Egypt, Assyria and other early nations. Remember it doesnt matter what you believe, what matters is what is true. You cant have a wrong answer unless there is a what? A RIGHT ANSWER. Heres an example, lets say youre taking a multiple choice test and had the following question: 2+2=? A) 4 B) 6 C)8 or D)3, once you know the answer is A, how much time do you need to study options B, C, and D? None at all. Gods word about the Messiah, recorded in the Bible, has been shown to be true. Investigating the actual findings of science, history, archaeology, and prophecy has shown us that, based on the evidence, saying there is no God makes no sense because everything in the universe points to intelligent design and because no one but God could give so many complete, detailed prophecies, sometimes thousands of years in advance and then simply and elegantly fulfills them in one Mans life. So far, we have seen that science cries out for a Creator who made us and everything else. Then we found that the Bible is a reliable, true document. So, simple put, there is one right answer. One God, yet over 6,500 gods, one truth, yet thousands of theories, one book but countless religions. This world is filled with: theories, ideas, beliefs, religions, idols, gods, thoughts and all to bring you away from the truth. Crazy...
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 04:45:36 +0000

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