There are many ways to interpret scripture. Thats why we have all - TopicsExpress


There are many ways to interpret scripture. Thats why we have all these different church buildings in America. A person reads the Bible and believes it the way they think it means, and goes out and finds a church whose members believe the same way. Thats all fine and dandy, but still, that doesnt mean that that interpretation is correct. People can read the Bible and think that theres got to be more to it than what its say, so they try to read more into it. Some people dont read enough into it. There are people who read it at face value and believe what it says to the letter. There are some people that actually think about what theyre reading, study it, and wait on God to give them understanding in what they read. It is dangerous to read the Bible, because once you know the truth and continue to do what it says not to, youll be held accountable for not obeying Gods word. Pastors, Sunday School teachers, and church leaders, deacons, and people who stand out above the rest, like the Pope, and all these people who write books on the subject trying to convince you that they know the truth and want you to know the truth, too, will be held accountable for what they are teaching their audience. You can sit in a building and listen to the preacher, teacher, author, or a Biblical scholar all you want, but if you never open and read your Bible, you are a sitting duck for being deceived. A person who reads their Bible and prays and communes with God, will never be deceived by strange and diverse ideas and opinions of others. God speaks to all of us individually. Dont just take anyones word for the truth God speaks. There are many false teachers in the world today. Anyone can make what theyre teaching sound good to the ears. The Bible is not a feel good read. It scares the crap out of me when I read it, because I know that a lot of people will be deceived and are being deceived by what their pastors, friends, relatives, and strangers are telling them, simply because they are not opening their Bibles and reading it for themselves. Im not saying your friends and relatives are intentionally setting out to deceive you, but if they are not reading their Bible either, what do they know? What do they know? Do it for yourself. Dont take my word, or anyone elses word. You take the Bible off the shelf, dust it off, and read it for yourself, and you keep reading it, until it becomes a part of who you are. And when someone comes along and tells you something, you will know the truth. You will not be deceived.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:06:26 +0000

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