There is no better platform on the planet to practice your - TopicsExpress


There is no better platform on the planet to practice your writing, get known for your writing, and revel in the joy of writing, than Facebook. For 2.5 years, I’ve been writing original prose on Facebook, nearly every day. Some of you have loved it. Some of you have Liked it. Some of you have at times been infuriated by it. But likely, if you’re reading these words now, you have at some time or another been touched by my writing on Facebook. Now I’m creating my ultimate Facebook “share”: *The Art of Writing for Facebook* A 4-Week Course by Michael Ellsberg 4 Mondays in December: 12/1, 12/8, 12/15 and 12/29 8-10PM Eastern / 5-7PM Pacific, via live teleseminar (live webcast for international students) (All classes will be recorded and distributed, and you can participate in the course fully, with Q+A, even if you can’t make the live class times) Register here: In this course, I will break down for you exactly what I do, why I do it, how I do it, and all my secrets for getting the results I get. Would you like to have a larger audience for your ideas, writing and creativity online? Are you looking like to develop your writing talent, yet wary of needing to get past “gatekeepers” of the publishing industry such as literary agents, book publishing editors, and magazine editors, etc? Would you like an *immediate* channel to start getting results, feedback, and an audience now without having to get past the gatekeepers? Are you ready to tap in to a billion+ potential audience, who are all completely f*cking bored out of their minds of yet ONE MORE F*CKING CAT PICTURE or *one more recounting of last night’s restaurant meal*, and who are… … Waiting!!! … Praying!!! … Begging!!! … for SOMETHING F*CKING ORIGINAL to PLEASE DEAR GOD cross their F*CKING FACEBOOK FEED?!! If this describes you, then there is a massive audience for your taking, if you’ll just learn to write more originally and creatively on Facebook. You’ve probably heard all kinds of “gurus” telling you the “secret” to gaining a “massive” Facebook audience. They come at you with all kinds of tips, tricks, and schemes. Well, Im not a guru, Im a writer-- and I have only one simple trick for you. It will take some cojones to implement, and a bit of practice, but if you’re willing to listen to what I teach and try it for yourself, you’ll be ahead of 99.99% of other Facebook users, and you’ll grow a steady and loyal audience on Facebook. You see, most people use Facebook exactly the way the corporate buy-ocracy wants us to--by “sharing” banal updates about how much we *looooove* whatever latest gadget we’ve just stood in line for hours to purchase, or how delicious the exotic beverage we just drank was. Because nearly everyone under-uses the potential of Facebook (compared to their own creative potential) that means that there is a HUGE OPPORTUNITY if you are willing to step out of the mold and post something original on Facebook. Something edgy. Something daring. Something vulnerable. (And no, I don’t mean faux-vulnerability–”oh I’m so scared of my own greatness,” etc. etc. —the 2010′s version of the # humblebrag. I mean real vulnerability—the kind that has you scared shitless to press “post”—which is usually the sign you’re about to post something great.) Something creative. If you can do that—as I’ll be supporting and guiding you to do in this course—then the world of Facebook is your oyster. Your readers will begin following you, waiting for the next dose of your creativity to save them from the endless trite pictographs and uplifting truisms set to sunsets and puppies. Your audience will begin: –> Liking and sharing your posts more. This has the effect of your posts being seen by more people, expanding your audience. –> Commenting on your posts more. This creates a community of people who invest their time reading, discussing, analyzing, debating, and bonding over your work. Often times the comments spark fascinating discussion which refines your own work and expands your intellectual horizons powerfully. These additional shares, Likes, and comments from your original non-fiction writing have the effect of making your posts showing up in more people’s feeds, further exposing your work to more potential fans, in an ever-expanding upward spiral of influence. Developing your voice as an original writer on Facebook has several benefits, beyond simply growing your audience on the platform itself: –> I have consistently found that my FB audience here is where most of my buyers and paid students and clients come from. Most of my creations are free, but when I create something I want to charge money for, Facebook is what pays the bills. (Thank you for showing up, Facebook readers!) –> In The Education of Millionaires, I write that “Your brand is what people think of when they hear your name.” I have consistently found that my Facebook writing is the bedrock of my brand in that sense—even more than two books published by major publishers, and a blog on Forbes. I have lost count of the number of times someone unknown to me has come up to me at a party and said, “Man, I LOVE your Facebook posts!” and started commenting in detail about their thoughts on one of my most recent posts, always leading to lively discussion. My first book manuscript was entitled Rock Star Envy. To the extent I ever have the “rock star” experiences (something I’ve always wanted,) of having reached, touched and been appreciated by strangers for my original creations, these experiences have largely been catalyzed through my writing on Facebook. BUILDING OFFLINE TRIBE When you start writing original content for Facebook, a community of people you don’t know personally (i.e., “fans”) forms around your work. This is different than when you’re committed to sharing cat photos, etc., because for the most part the only people who hang around to read/see/comment on those cat photos are people who already know you offline, most of whom already know each other. But when you write original content, you develop a readership for your writing that extends beyond your already-existing friend network. Which means, you become a hub for lots and lots of people meeting each other, connecting with each other online and offline, and viewing you as the person responsible for the cool new people they’ve met. This creates massive good-will for you, and once again, your readers will go to bat for you when you need them to. CREATIVE EXPRESSION There is simply no medium on the planet that gives you the instant feedback on your creative work that Facebook does. If you learn the insights of writing I will share in this course, you can have an idea, bang out a few paragraphs, share it on Facebook, and BOOM… you will instantly have readers commenting on it, Liking it, sharing it, telling you what they love about it, and what think is wrong with it. (Yes, learning to listen to and handle feedback productively while keeping your center and your sanity is one of the key skills of writing on Facebook.) In all the mediums I’ve explored as a writer, I’ve never found one which sparks my creativity as Facebook does–which is why I keep coming back to it again and again. And guess what, on FB you don’t need to spend much time polishing or editing your writing—Facebook is the one platform that rewards raw expression rather than worked-over PR-approved prose. One of the key skills we’ll be learning is how to “improv” your writing on FB and share your immediate creations. You will still have to work hard to get results on FB, but this is a totally different--and much more fun--approach to writing than you’ve ever experienced in school. This is part of what makes FB such a powerful tool for writers. WORLD-CLASS NETWORKING Facebook is, after all, a social NETWORKING site, right? So what is the best way to actually NETWORK on that site? Is it people simply telling their friends how they are # SoBlessed to be on vacation right now? Is it people sharing how cute their puppy/kitten/new gadget is? I have found that the best way to meet new people on Facebook, is to share your own creativity and originality. And what better way to do that than through your original writing? Nothing else gives people more of a flavor of who you really are. DATING & MATING And guess what? If you’re single, you just might meet your special someone through your writing on Facebook. I recently met my new sweetie, from the UK, on Facebook—a story I’ll be sharing soon. How did she first find me? By reading my writing. If you’re looking for love, learning to become a better writer on Facebook may be the best investment you ever make. In this class, you will learn and gain: –> My #1 secret for coming up with original, provocative, discussion-worthy writing ideas for Facebook. This one secret alone has been responsible for 80% of my content on Facebook. –> How to overcome fear of being judged or seen as weird. This is the #1 reason people don’t post more original ideas on Facebook. I will help you blast through these fears in this course. –> How to develop your own writing “voice” on Facebook. –> How to make sure your writing is edgy and provocative, yet consistent with your career, family life, and “brand.” –> The types of posts that, in my experience, get the most commenting, Liking, sharing, discussion (these are not the type of posts that you *think* would be successful.) –> How to “test” writing ideas out, and get tons of input from your audience, without “giving away the farm” or “spilling the beans” on your writing projects before they’re ready. –> How to engage with commenters in a way that encourages high-level, hard-hitting, yet respectful and enlightening dialogue around your ideas. (This is one of the aspects that people will most appreciate about your writing on FB—the intelligent dialogue that ensues.) –> Weekly assignments and “writing seeds” to get you started on your path to being a prominent, successful, recognized Facebook writer with a growing and vibrant audience. –> A community of fellow students (probably 100+), tied together as a private FB group dedicated to the course. These new friends will serve as your initial audience, reading and commenting on your work, and giving you feedback. You are guaranteed to meet new friends and creative collaborators in this private group. *The Art of Writing for Facebook* A 4-Week Course by Michael Ellsberg 4 Mondays in December: 12/1, 12/8, 12/15 and 12/29 8-10PM Eastern / 5-7PM Pacific, via live teleseminar (live webcast for international students) (All classes will be recorded and distributed, and the course is set up so you can participate fully, with Q+A, even if you can’t make the live class times) Register here: When you buy the course, I will also send you Recent Status: The Facebook Writing of Michael Ellsberg. This ebook collects and curates my best, most provocative posts posts over 2.5 years—the ones that generated the most discussion, Likes, and controversy, complete with links to the original posts. It will also serve as the “guidebook” for the course, so that you can see all the different types of posts, the evolution and learning curve I’ve gone through over this long period of near-daily posting. (This ebook will be delivered by 12/1, before the start of the course.) *** Facebook gets a bad rap these days. You are probably bored of your friends’ feeds (admit it!) sharing the same things in the same way. But you will never catch me bashing Facebook, because I think it is the most massively under-utilized tool on the planet. The specific way it is underutilized is that people are not taking enough risks sharing their original creations, and particularly their original writing, directly on Facebook. Until now. In this course you will unleash all the secrets to becoming the writer you’ve always wanted to be, with the audience you’ve always dreamed of. Are you bored of how you and most everyone else is using Facebook? Are you ready to more ready to fully utilize the vast potential of Facebook, for yourself, your creativity, your writing, your business and career? There has never been a course like this. This course is going to teach you the mindset and skills Ive developed around Facebook writing over several years. It will completely change the way you relate to this medium, transforming all the time you spend on this site into a creative and productive investment of your time, rather than draining and frittering your time away. You will develop tens of thousands of new, creative words of original prose, and more important, oodles of new readers who appreciate you and your work. Take this course, and by New Years, you will have an entirely new relationship to Facebook, a growing Facebook audience, and new friends and connections through your writing. Just in time to make 2015 your most amazing Facebook year ever. Ready to start? See you on the Monday after Thanksgiving! Register here:
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:03:42 +0000

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