There is nothing more difficult than this Prerana Dwivedii Di :) - TopicsExpress


There is nothing more difficult than this Prerana Dwivedii Di :) But Ill give it a shot nonetheless. People say books are a mans best friends. For me books have been a means of survival. The concept of living friends is really new to me given the lifestyle I was accustomed to being a military child. Its books which got me through for the first 17 years of my life.They arent classics or winners of awards, but some of the most loyal friends Ive ever had. I really hope I do justice to all of them. 1. Akbar aur Birbal ki Kahaniyan , Panchtantra - These books got me addicted to reading when I was in Grade 3 2. The Harry Potter Series and books by Tamora Pierce (This was when magic entered my life) 3. Cinderella (Started waiting for a prince charming :P . Might even add P.S. I Love You while Im at it Ive been a romantic since grade 5 :D ) 4. The Diary of Anne Frank (Oh, god knows how much I identify with her and how much I cry every time I go through this book) 5. The Royal Diaries Series (Stopped waiting for a prince charming :P These women, from Isabel, Elizabeth I, Victoria to Jahanara , Cleopatra VII, and Nzingha - these women shaped who I am today. I spent entire weekends with them at George Mason Regional Library and they were my best friends for the major period of my pre-teen years) 6. My Experiments With Truth (Out of all the autobiographies Ive ever read this struck me the most, maybe because of its simplicity) 7. War and Peace 8. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg 9. The Bhagwata Gita - Its amazing how no matter what situation youre in, you turn to any random page and youll find solace. Just amazing. 10. Steve Jobs I further nominate Siddhant Agarwal , Shubham Kaul, Bhupendra Singh Bisht, Palack Agarwal, Priyanka Vikram Singh, Shrey Rai, Neha Singh for the challenge :)
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:14:05 +0000

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