There is only one certain barrier to truth, is the conviction that - TopicsExpress


There is only one certain barrier to truth, is the conviction that you already have it ------- Why do you think everything that has happened and everything that will be happening in the future seems like something that we already witnessed before? Why does all this misery and death keeps going on till this very day and hour up to the minutes and seconds that takes me to type this message. Why does it seem to have no effect if we protest or not.. The answer is actually pretty simple.. Everything is planted in our brains and subconscious mind and it is with our own thoughts and intentions how we create the world we experience as reality.. But is it? Is it all real is this the one and only reality there is or could we all be in the exact opposite reality where balance is restored and war and misery and death and famine are things of the past.. We as a species have been manipulated... We do not know how to use our brains to full capacity and we can only imagine what capabilities our minds really have.. Instead of using our brains for good use we became masters in killing other human beings and species like the animals. Animals are a complete different species then us human beings and they also have feelings, a conscience and a full working brain.. We should have never started to kill them for consumption.. However the ancient civilizations did have this knowledge and never were disconnected with their true origin.. Somehow somewhere in time a complete different way of thinking has been introduced which separated us from who we really are and from the whole that everything is.. This has been done intentionally by evil thinkers.. call them what you want. The illuminati and all other entities acting on their behalve or just as separated as you are or actually even more enslaved then humanity is.. All was good to begin with until the balance on our planet was disturbed by the great deluge of the past.. It is when thinking became evil that our ancestors became manipulated by books and other means of written and spoken words.. They were led to believe in the religious hoax what also started at the same time as this plan did.. This is going on for thousands of years now and it is way to big to be cancelled because there are huge things at stake for those who think they benefit from our enslavement.. This is also the reason why it wont be stopped until either all of humanity wakes up immediately or something really big will backfire and put an end to it all.. Of all things the last one is the most likely.. Whatever comes and however it goes or what will happen the end is in sight.. In the far distance of years ahead there is freedom and a peaceful future waiting.. Evil of the scale that has Earth and everything on it in its grip will play itself out and eventually vanish. We have to stick together and re-unite into the one species we really are and rediscover our true nature.. Not stating everything i post in this message is absolutely the total truth or that i have the knowledge.. I just share this information with you because it helped me put sense to a world that really does not make any sense at all.. I could remain in a truth seeking state but what does this really matter actually? Everything that you find that has happened in our past is just as this says.. the past.. We can not change this past it is behind us.. Neither can we control our future.. We can only make sure what has been happening on earth will never ever happen again because it has taken way to long for us to learn and understand the lesson we are experiencing today.. --- To all of you that are not prepared to have an absolute open mind before starting with all this information.. To all of you that are just watching other peoples status in order to enforce their own opinion about it.. And for all of you that can not put there own known knowledge aside and exchange it for out of the box thinking... Do not even start with this and stay in your own comfort zone for you are not ready and open for a change of thinking. For everyone else.. Take your time to watch everything presented here and these videos and sites.. Watch a episode a day or put it aside for something else.. research the info and watch it again to see if what you saw is verifiable with the info you searched.. These videos will make absolutely clear without a doubt that something is very wrong with us , the Human species and our way of thinking and living.. Nothing else besides the knowledge we are not living like we are supposed to be and that we are on a one way road towards self destruction is of importance.. Once you fully realize that you yourself are the key to change everyone around you and with that the world you will notice a change in yourself.. Things will fall into place and things will make sense.. Also you will separate good and bad on full automatic mode and no longer ignore what you are telling to yourself in the form of your (higher)conscious self. Although spreading the truth and the gruesome things of our dark past helps people to open their eyes it really does not do much else when you do not look past this point.. Because there is so much much more going on on different levels and dimensions and aspects that you have ever realized.. The world is most definitely not just about you as individual.. But we and the planet and everything on it are One... Without each other it can not exist and neither can we... We are the caretakers of our planet and everything on it.. It is time we start to live and act that way.. NOW! The final act of this greater plan for our species has been set into motion with the two towers collapsing in New York in 2001. Since that moment the entire world was in the grip of terrorism..But the terrorist are they you have never ever seen before and they are not the ones acting out on what they have set in motion.. They are also evil individuals but in noway as evil and without any feelings whatsoever as the inhuman entities that are now in a state of defeat.. This is what makes them really dangerous like a wild animal trapped in a corner.. The sooner you get the point the sooner you can start preparing for times ahead.. And it will come down to preparation and preparedness to help another human being or living creature that is in need of this help.. Because if we would have helped out each other to begin with this world would have never become the place it is today.. Take care, Love and be loved and stay safe.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- World Deception: Part 1of 2 1: https://youtube/watch?v=fXJsehjATxM 2: https://youtube/watch?v=vLPK0oFFaRM Planned Economic Collapse Coming soon. Money and Alchemy. The banking mafia, Monsanto. A quick look at money and our enslavement to it. https://youtube/watch?v=u0hV9AT56k4 --- Secret Space Secret Past ( Full Presentation)HD The discoveries presented here will shock you.. Theres a worldwide conspiracy regarding disinformation thats been going on since the beginning of time, all 6000 illusory years of it. This conspiracy is about UFOs , Aliens, Reptilians, Religion, Super Technologies, Evolution and our true past....... There’s a scandal going on in the scientific world today involving the suppression of information: Information deliberately held back from public view. Its a scandal that is cheating you of your ancestry and robbing you of many serious benefits. Artifacts deliberately dumped in the Atlantic Ocean... Certain discovery sites banned to researchers who ask embarrassing questions... an archaeologist ordered to deny a major Find: There’s a worldwide conspiracy regarding disinformation that’s been going on since the beginning of time, all 6000 illusory years of it.This conspiracy is about UFO’s , Aliens, Reptilians, Religion, Super Technologies, Evolution and our true past....... https://youtube/watch?v=WkDqYApHK_Q --- How to manipulate matter one molecule at a time. https://youtube/watch?v=eglTE8ijhF8 --- The Asteriod and Meteor Conspiracy https://youtube/watch?v=ZR2SnwJYTgc --- Reptilian shape shifting Annunaki Disinfo Agents. https://youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=2x52l19gC-s&list=UUE0HcscFUVuUQ_N2o2sWXUQ --- The HoloGraphic Disclosure Series The Holographic Disclosure is Exposure. illuminatimatrix.wordpress/ holographic-disclosure/ powermindsubliminal/ Everything that you think as being real, and true, will fade away. Time for veil to come down and expose the truth about our reality. Get ready to move away from the trance state and re-connect to our original awareness and wisdom state. The freedom and liberty of eternal paradise is ours. 1-13 (14 en verder volgen later) https://youtube/playlist?list=PLIypFS98f_dHTj_LSqVQ6riQpAMIb4Qgx --- The Holographic Universe 1-5 The holographic universe proves that the physical world we believe is real is in fact illusion. Energy fields are decoded by our brains into a 3D picture, to give the illusion of a physical world. https://youtube/watch?v=vnvM_YAwX4I&list=PLIypFS98f_dHqGAGeFoV9bBNek7zOhuz4 --- illuminatiMATRIX - What In The Worlds Going On? illuminatimatrix.wordpress https://youtube/watch?v=WCBBaHRrvwY --- World Deception: Part 1of 2 1: https://youtube/watch?v=fXJsehjATxM&list=PLIypFS98f_dHTj_LSqVQ6riQpAMIb4Qgx&index=17 2: https://youtube/watch?v=vLPK0oFFaRM&list=PLIypFS98f_dHTj_LSqVQ6riQpAMIb4Qgx&index=18 --- Trailer Holographic disclosure 15-17 Holographic-Disclosure Trailers 15-17 in HD, previews the up coming documentaries which delve deep in the hidden agendas of planet earth.For more information and an IMPORTANT MESSAGE from Secret Key Activator please visit holographic-disclosure/ We also take a look at death,incarnation and suicide.The Final Warning:The Pyramid Mathematics decoded, The Sphinx now decoded. Dark secrets of religion, Thought Form Entities,Chakras, Ley lines, the Sun changing frequency and opening up your codons, The junk DNA that waits for the magnetic ‘key change’ from Ra. MUCH MUCH MORE Sourced at the highest echelon of the Knowledge Pyramid. https://youtube/watch?v=UExIm4pGiTY&list=PLIypFS98f_dHTj_LSqVQ6riQpAMIb4Qgx&index=15
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 20:27:40 +0000

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