There is rest in forgiveness. So, is there something you are - TopicsExpress


There is rest in forgiveness. So, is there something you are holding on to, a wrong from your loved one that you have not forgiven? Take it to Jesus. Consciously forgive. Then the door is open for peace. For conflict to dissipate. For REST. For added encouragement, here is a wonderful prayer of forgiveness from Sylvia Gunter: Thank You, my forgiving heavenly Father, for the mind of Christ that enables me to forgive as You have forgiven me. I place all my expectations on the altar to You. My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him, (Ps. 62:1). I forgive all offenses of sin, weakness, and failure of ____________ (name family member) against me. You created us in Your image, and I choose to forgive __________ for not yet becoming all You Loving a Prodigal: Learning to Rest 14 created him/her to be. I accept _________ with needs, wounds, and hurts that need the healing that only You can give. Forgive me for looking to a person to give me the love and affirmation that only Jesus can give. You are my Healer, my Satisfaction, and my Joy, and I will look to You for affirmation. As Jesus enables us to forgive and accept one another, perfect in us His holy character of unconditional love and servanthood. Forgive me for my own selfishness and performance-based acceptance of _______________. Love ___________________ through me. Enable us to extend grace to each other with unconditional acceptance. Let us choose no longer to strive with one another, demanding change, love, unselfishness, or understanding. Let us truly and freely choose to forgive. A family that is living in freedom consists of good forgivers. Free us from judgment, bitterness, resentment, anger, retaliation, and wall-building. Let us be free to release each other to Your love, power, and purposes. As God enables me, I will live at peace with _____________. His/her wrong actions no longer have permission to wound my spirit. I do not have to react to them, because I choose to take them to the cross of Jesus Christ. I choose to live above anger, unforgiveness, and hurt. Jesus is my Life, and by God’s grace working in me, I am an overcomer in His Spirit. I will honor ____________ as someone Jesus died for. I will bless _______________, giving love that never fails time to do its work. Love through me without reservation with the heart of the Father, the grace of the Son, and the power of the Spirit. Thank You, loving Father, that I am free in Jesus, seated at Your right hand. I am released to be a channel of Your freedom, forgiveness, and healing love to our family. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 02:20:13 +0000

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