There is something very peculiar about human nature that intrigues - TopicsExpress


There is something very peculiar about human nature that intrigues me. Even though you may be surrounded by people you love but sometimes you feel like you are alone. Even standing in crowd is like standing in dark room. You see people every day , doing something, you see them sad, you see them happy , you see them shocked , you see them tense, you see them afraid, you see them afraid. But everyone is actually wearing a mask. Only that person knows what lies beneath that mask. Why do we hide what we feel? Because we fear what others would think if you told them truth. You wear a mask to escape from others, to fool others but you cannot fool yourselves, you cannot outrun yourself. We live in a society where we are supposed to follow conventions. We follow what we are told. Be it any sphere of life, there is always someone commanding you to do something. We do not follow what our heart yearns; we instead choose to follow something that society will think is right. We spend our lives trying to appease someone; did we ever try to appease ourselves? When was the last time you did something just because you wanted to do it? Do you think you control your life? NO, my friend, you don’t. Do you think you are free just because your country has a democratically elected government? Freedom is a state of mind. It’s something you can feel from within yourself. We live in a world that is webbed with strings of social media. It is indeed a revolutionary technology that has altered the way of thinking of entire generations. We feel hesitant to talk to a stranger in real life, but we are never reluctant to send a friend request to a stranger. People actually feel uncomfortable when you approach them in real life. Playing fields are vanishing from our neighborhoods. Tall apartments/flats are coming into picture everywhere. People don’t like to compliment you; they don’t like to appreciate you; they are afraid of you. Just step out of your home you will see everyone’s head plunged into their smart devices. We have got addicted to these devices. It’s hard for us to imagine a life without them. But we have lived without them, if you can remember. Back in days there were wired telephones, when only one person in your neighbor had a landline and everyone used it. Do you remember that we used to knock or ring bells to call our friend out of his house rather than calling or messaging him/her? Back in days when we struggled for a bicycle ride with our friends. Those were the days of less indoor play and more outdoor play. Back in those days we used to buy 4 different things in 1 rupee. Everything was awesome back then, just try to think. When there were more cycles than bikes. We were not concerned with the rates of petrol or diesel. What went wrong then? If you are a kid from 90’s you are the witness to the slaughter of real happiness and freedom. Do you think technology has made our lives easier? Or more complicated? Do you think social media has helped you in making new friends? What should we do then? Well if you ask me, only YOU can save you from yourself. You fear others because you fear yourself. You see strangers everywhere because you are stranger to yourself. You hesitate to ask someone to help you because you hesitate to help. The world has not changed, we have changed. We have changed to the extent which we cannot undo. We cannot go back, there is no going back but there is light even in darkest hours of light. Just for once in your life try to do something that you wanted to do, however crazy it may sound to you, don’t do it for others, do it for yourself and feel it. Let your heart guide you. Let us take a pledge that we will be nice to ourselves and to others. Hope is something that you should never lose and let your heart guide you to the real happiness of life. -Mazhar (I was feeling very low when I started to write. But as soon as I started typing I felt sadness lifting up. May be writing is what makes me happy. I was going to study but instead I chose to write this.)
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 14:22:10 +0000

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