There it goes how Russia corrupt politician in UK to push UK away, - TopicsExpress


There it goes how Russia corrupt politician in UK to push UK away, from old Sunni Partners in Middle East and Gulf. But Russia is only using the Propaganda US start in 2001. Since more 60 years Russia, US propaganda against Nazis, And the propaganda effect so much people sensibility , Raise such mass hypochondriac minds that Russia just had to scream, spread , NAZIS (the German Nazis) were inside Estonia in 2007 Spread , NAZIS (the German Nazis) Georgia in 2008, spread , NAZIS (the German Nazis) were in Maidan , Odessa ,Crimea East Ukraine to the Europe, US , remain shock without reaction while Russia move its troops inside Ukraine to crash the imaginarium Nazis. Lucky Ukranien has many solidaritarian friends in East Europe . Beautiful to see this countrys using all the contacts , friends they made in Europe, NATO , to get Help for their friend Ukrainian. German Nazis ; the evil And now the Sunni Muslim suffer the same evil propaganda. Many films from Syria war had a little touch from KGB. In East Europe people remember well the Russian KGB techniques to falsificate videos, photos. Many Sunni Muslim report they were hack constantly and that violent videos were download in their sites. The Trojan horses The Medias spread US, Europe are Going to attack ISIL . US is trap in own set up. US propaganda so many years agains Sunni Muslim , that now they can not say the true to him people. But not the british. British had not participate in this evil propaganda against Sunni Muslim. UK come with logic react with wisdom to Russia Manipulations o Push UK to diplomatic mistakes. Uk has respect for its country old agreements with Arab, With Muslim, With Middle East and gulf . Philip Hammond defend Britains the old relationship with moderate Sunnis Muslim. And UK is not going to unit with Iran Russia in Middle East fights UK is not going to unit with Bashar al Assad . And we can all breath . We still have wise people in our old continent . . Lord Dannatt, the former chief of general staff, who always had sympathy for Russia and Russian Vladimir Putin , highlighted an Strategy to push UK to Russia , Iran set up. Lord Dannatt spread David Cameron has been open to a relationship with Iran in dealing with the ISIL conflict. Dannatt and his buddies try very hard to influence the others to The old saying my enemys enemy is my friend to UK Possible relationship with Iran. And even more direct , the Pro Russian in UK try to influence in an UK relationship with Assad / Syria. I think its going to have some resonance with our relationship with Assad. I think whether it is above the counter or below the counter, a conversation has got to be held with him. Because if there are going to be any question of air strikes over Syria airspace its got to be with the Assad regimes approval. Tory MPs and military leaders call in liaise with Bashar al Assads government on the basis that my enemys enemy is my friend. However Philip Hammond has ruled out an alliance with the Syrian regime because it would poison Britains relationship with moderate Sunnis. He told BBC Radio 4s The World At One: I have said very often that one of the first things you learn is that my enemys enemy is not my friend. Britain will not enter into a poisonous alliance with Syria in its fight against ISIL , the Foreign Secretary has said. We may very well find that we are aligned against a common enemy but it would poison what were trying to achieve in separating moderate Sunni opinion from the poisonous ideology of Isil if we were to align ourselves with Assad. Zero Point to Russia and Iran ;Another lost war. 100 friends to Ukraine and Tatar Crimean. Meanwhile , since 4 months Qatar and others Sunni Muslim countries are generous pumping Liquid gas in Odessa/Ukraine Ports.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 22:17:47 +0000

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