There will be a tl;dr version at the bottom; This status is for - TopicsExpress


There will be a tl;dr version at the bottom; This status is for those of you I have on here that care, if you dont, then do not waste your time and keep scrolling. Well, here it goes, I am going to be disabling or deleting my Facebook in the near future. So much of my excess time is spent on here and a lot of it is completely pointless and utterly wasted. There are goals I have in my life, and I dont feel they can be accomplished unless I take some big steps and take them right away. I want to feel better about myself and I am tired of letting myself be held back of effected negatively by certain people and things in my life and am finally taking the steps I need to in order to walk along a happier path. Hopefully you all understand {again, this is addressed to those of you that care.}The only reason I am leaving my Facebook account active for a short period of time is for those of you that this is your only means of communication. Message me and we will figure something out. Also, I will not be as attentive to my phone as I have been in the past year. Dont fret if you message and dont get a reply right away, please. It will not be me ignoring you, theres a very good chance that my time is being spent in a way I see thats productive or enjoyable, though something specific Ive gotten into the habit of doing lately is texting when Im out to dinner, which personally, I have always thought was extremely rude to the accompanying party.. So, it is definitely coming to a stop. This is not a Im cutting myself off from the world completely dont talk to me thing, by the way. I would still love to talk to all of you that feel we have a friendship and am also still more than willing to meet new people. Depression has held me down for far too long and now there is a bright horizon with many new possibilities ahead that I am excited to explore. Thank you in advance for understanding. TL;DR - Im leaving Facebook soon to fulfill my life in better, more productive ways and also wont be on my phone 24/7 anymore.If you dont receive a reply, dont feel ignored. Please feel free to talk to me as this is not me severing myself from everyone I know, but my way of starting to pull myself out of my depression Ive dealt with for years.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 14:28:16 +0000

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