Theres no formula for prayer. Life is as dynamic and its - TopicsExpress


Theres no formula for prayer. Life is as dynamic and its vicissitudes evident. Hence, prayer is flexible and as dynamic as life itself. Prayer is heart to heart talk with your Maker. Its not to be propped nor decorated as though pimp my ride. Haha! It should be raw, plain and authentic, addressing the situation as it is. As it is written, Pour your heart to Him. Woefully, some have turned prayer into a pouring out of formulae and litany. You dont recite prayers but soul-search and tell God how things are. Its a time of off-loading and some approach God reloaded, props carried into the prayer room. When you have a request before your earthly father, mother or guardian, do you read it as a list in their presence? Reading from a note book, Dad I need bus-fare ? Absurd that is! Haha! That request comes out naturally. When in prayer, youre in the Fathers presence. Prayer is talking to God. Stop reading out and with your recitals, He wants to hear you speak to Him as you, uniquely created by Him. Your prayer is your voice to Him, reading from a prayer book is the voice of the one who wrote it. Youre not dumb and you can articulate your situation before Him. So much for the Rosary beads too. If Christ be your Friend, He doesnt want you loaded and reloaded with formulae, litany and props when talking to Him. Just pour your heart. The only prop He left us for prayer is the Helper/Spirit, Likewise the Spirit also helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26. Some have even turned prayer into gymnastics supposing that answer to prayer comes only when assuming a certain body position. Jonah in the belly of the fish was in the most awkward position but the fish vomited him. Answered prayer. Be set free from religious formulae and systems and embrace the dynamic, spontaneous and liberating river of God who helps us in all things, the Holy Spirit who the Captain of our Salvation left, not the prayer-books and Rosary that the church gives. Indeed, Christ gave His sent Spirit for all things, the One who decorates , props and pimps prayer with groanings which are unutterable. Pray in the Holy Ghost who avails much. He is the fervent prayer that prayer-books and the Rosary cant match. Yes, I did it again and its not oops I did it again. God bless the glad. As for the mad, it aint over. Praise the LORD!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 09:56:37 +0000

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