There’s an element to the Christian message that is truly - TopicsExpress


There’s an element to the Christian message that is truly essential, for without it we really have no message at all. In some Christian and many religious circles it’s not declared, taught or preached that often because some are under the impression that it’s offensive or ineffective. Some people just don’t like hearing about it because it involves a violent death, a bloody body, cruel punishment and a story that is at best tolerable. The element I’m speaking about? THE CROSS OF CHRIST! It’s all that I’ve described and more but the thing I’m emphasizing today is that the CROSS is essential to the Christian message because without it we have no message! And more importantly without it we have no salvation for apart from the cross we are left to ourselves and our inability to please a holy God and to satisfy His requirements. The CROSS divided human history and made a way where there was no way! The CROSS was the instrument that allowed the chastisement that the human race deserved to be put onto Jesus the Christ! The CROSS was where His blood was shed and where the payment for sin was offered! The CROSS was the bridge between holiness and sin, wrath and love, justice and mercy! Hallelujah for the CROSS! Praise God for the CROSS! Thank You Lord for the CROSS! It should have been me on it but you graciously took my place, carried my sin and died my death! The CROSS is an instrument of death but it has become a way of victory and life! The CROSS looks like defeat but on it JESUS won the war! The CROSS is not pleasant to talk about, teach on, preach and sing about but we glory in the CROSS and give HIM the praise for it! Declare it without apology! Wear it proudly! Sing its praise! Speak its Truth! The cross may be offensive to some but through that offense many will come to a saving knowledge of the One Who hung there for the sins of the whole human race! Don’t ever be ashamed of the CROSS because CHRIST willingly took it up, carried it to Calvary and died a sinner’s death on it, unashamed for you and for me! Thank God for the CROSS!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 12:07:26 +0000

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