These are just a few photos of my current living conditions. The - TopicsExpress


These are just a few photos of my current living conditions. The photos dont do the infestation justice at all, but I have been living in a mouse filled apartment for nearing the 11 month mark. First the issue started off small, just a mouse or two. Nothing to worry about, right? Wrong. As the months grew warmer, it grew more apparent that the problem was on a much, much larger scale than I ever could have thought. Right now, at this point in time, the most mice I have seen running through my apartment at one time was 14. Yes, FOURTEEN. At one time. Not spread out through a day, not over the course of my stay here with CAPREIT Apartments (Official Site) , but at one single time. As the months grow warmer, the mice start to make their appearances, through sounds, sight and smell. OH THE SMELL, let me tell you about the smell. Have you ever had a rodent? Have you ever not cleaned that rodents cage for a few days? Well take this and multiply it by at least ten on a humid day. Its horrendous. Its terrible, its gag-worthy. Now, dont get me wrong, Im a fairly clean person and much like the average person, I would like to say I clean up after myself and thoroughly clean on a weekly basis. Well, since the beginning of summer, Ive scrubbed and sanitized my house at LEAST every 3 days, with the terrible, pungent aroma coming back within a day or two. My living conditions are far from sanitary. Actually... Just the other day, I was sitting at work, wondering why I could smell pee. I sure as heck didnt pee myself, and I dont have a cat, and as far as Im concerned, my dog does not have the ability to pee on the counter tops. What could it be, you ask? Why none other than the pee of a dozen or more mice! Fantastic right? Not embarrassing at all! Now, you may ask: Chelsey, why havent you talked to your landlord/apartment management about this? Well, you see... I have! Ive had Orkin(Pest control) come in on numerous different occasions. Now, Im not talking like once or twice since weve moved in. Im talking once or twice a week. And you know what? Its not fixing a damn thing. They fill the entry holes with poison, they fill them with steel wool, they set traps and along side that, they admit that this probably wont fix the issue, and without words, we nod at each other with that Ill see you in a few days look and part ways. All is well, all is peaceful. But much like having children(or so I hear) silence is usually something you need to worry about, if your kid(mouse) is being quiet, theyre probably getting into something. That something in my case is my apartment. They chew through the holes within a day. Impressive, really, considering their size and all. And once again, were back to square one, my least favourite square of them all. Now, lets briefly talk about my favourite subject: food. My fridge is jam packed with dry, uncooked rice, packaged sidekicks, popcorn kernels and bags of bread. You know why? Because thats the only safe place where the mice havent figured out a way in(give it time, im sure its coming.) Ive had mice eat through entire loafs of bread. Holes. Straight through the center of the bread. So today, I decided was the day that Ive had enough of living in a rodent cage, and enough of knowing the pest control fellows well enough that i could point them out in a crowded room. I decided it was time to talk to the (wo)man in charge. I scheduled an appointment with the building manager. The initial conversation went well. We discussed what we would like to have happen, and that we would like to have her consider letting us break the lease one month early(its over Oct. 1st,) so that we can be free of this terrible, disgusting apartment. She decided that she wanted to see for her self. Now, lets put it into perspective that I had cleaned and scrubbed last night, assuming my photo evidence would be enough that she would have no reason to come into my apartment, having had the maintenance guy(who admitted to being here just last week) an orkin in a plethora of times to asses the situation(and attempt to fix it). So she came into my apartment, and couldnt see or smell anything. Gee... I wonder why. It may have something to do with the fact that it was JUST cleaned with strong chemicals. And just so Im not keeping you on the edge of your seat any longer... Ill let you know what her solution was. It was Ill have orkin come in and fill the holes Great!!!!!! Lets do that again!!!!!!!! for the billionth time and hope that this one time it works better than all of the rest. And after stating that this solution was not good enough, she proceeded to let us know that she would call us back later today, and guess what? It didnt happen! Im tired of living in this unsanitary, disgusting, smelly apartment. And Id just like some resolution without having to file for a hearing with the tenancy board, but I suppose we cant always get what we want. And sometimes we have to do things the hard way. Now, to my friends. Future, present and past, please promise me that you will listen to a bad review when you hear one, and never consider signing a lease in a place with a bad reputation, thinking Well, Ill just give it a chance. No. Dont. I decided to give it a chance and now Im full of regret. I dread coming home, to the place thats supposed to be relaxing and the place that youre supposed to look forward to going to after a long day of work. I dont pay $950 a month to sit in a poop filled, hazardous to my health and wellbeing, house and Id really not like to have to pay that final $950.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:04:24 +0000

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