These citizens are TRUE PATRIOTS. They are sowing the seeds of THE - TopicsExpress


These citizens are TRUE PATRIOTS. They are sowing the seeds of THE PEOPLE POWER REVOLUTION that will happen in Uganda in not so distant a future. There some who do not believe that Uganda is lying on volcano, which will explode sooner than we expect. I do not believe that Museveni will go as a result of elections. Uganda will never see FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS while Museveni remains in power. It does not matter whether you have the best opposition leader in the world. If elections are NOT FRE AND FAIR, the opposition will never win. The sooner we realise that the better for our country. Our focus should be on how to PEACEFULLY BRING DOWN THE CORRUPT AND MURDEROUS REGIME OF YOWERI MUSEVENI. THE BEST WAY IS THROUGH MASS PROTESTS BY THE PEOPLE IN ALL CORNERS OF UGANDA. And for these MASS PROTESTS you do not have to necessarily have prominent politicians leading them. The Tunisian, Egyptian revolutions where carried out by simple citizens... The politicians jumped on the band wagon after the revolution. Indeed the politicians are still the Problem in those countries, as they do not want to steer the countries towards genuine democracy. Let us work to mobilise THE MASSES to become politically active, and to execute THE REVOLUTION. let us not wait for the time when a miracle political leader is going to be born to lead the revolution. Uganda has many good leaders, and they will come out when DEMOCRARCY has arrived. I believe that the real leaders of tomorrow are these very young protesters who are risking their lives to change the country. So our patriotic duty is to support them in this struggle, and to call on the rest of Ugandans to join them in the emerging revolutionary struggle.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 20:14:29 +0000

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