These heroes come home and face reality living a normal life as we - TopicsExpress


These heroes come home and face reality living a normal life as we all see, but to them, normalfu2l1y life is not normal at all. The thought process to a returning veteran is much like a jigsaw puzzle. They have to find their way of putting the pieces of a normal life back together. After living away from spouses, children, family and friends for a lengthy amount of time, they deal with the stresses of war and life back home. During the time away, soldiers see many things. Whether it be losing a friend or soldier from the same unit, or to being in a fire fight for hours on end. Others may see light signs of combat, but still trigger the fight or flight response which may cause PTSD symptoms in a veteran.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 05:55:09 +0000

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