They could use the pull-chain toilet ...outside ... the white by - TopicsExpress


They could use the pull-chain toilet ...outside ... the white by night legislation ... An excerpt from THE LOCUST RETRIBUTION, available from Amazon and readable on any device including your PC. Excellent reading. Not far from Joburg central lay the black township of Soweto, an acronym for South West Town. To this sprawling jumble of iron shacks and cement-block homes, tens of thousands of men and women workers made their return each day - before nightfall - to avoid infringing white by night legislation. White owned business and residential suburbs were protected from black encroachment with pass laws - the police enjoyed this easy and nasty bit of degrading social engineering. The Group Areas Act kept blacks out of white areas. Blacks belonged in townships - close by - as a convenient day time workforce - but out of sight at night. The pall of smoke in the early morning light told you theres a township just over that hill. Of course the black masses could also live in far away ethnic homelands - especially created to cater for the oversupply of extended rural families and fast-bred children. Those were the heady days of no razor wire, no immobilisers, no alarms, no (black) taxis, no car guards or beggars and less crime. Under the idyllic surface though there was lots of kak in die land. (Lots of trouble in the country.) The heady whites may have felt idyllic with their lot, but the swart-gevaar (dangerous blacks) had other ideas. The blacklash or backlash would come from an unlikely source. In the meantime the economy thrived, interest and exchange rates were favourable, labour was cheap: black maids were excellent child minders (by instinct) and black gardeners, willing and strong. They ate little food - outside and washed themselves with a little water - outside. They could use the pull-chain toilet, also … outside. Sometimes single-ply toilet paper was provided or newspapers would do. (Black newsprint does not show up on black bums.) Bus or train fare, on top of the wage, was paid per day or week. The white boss couldnt risk lifting the maid to the terminus, because officer Plod might stop them on suspicion of crossing the colour line in said vehicle, or at the workplace. Research showed that no statues were erected in any townships to honour: D F Malan, J G Strijdom, H F Verwoerd, B J Vorster or P W Botha. This should be telling the whiteys something. These were the eminent leaders and practitioners of equal but separate development. And they were all God fearing men who attended their Dutch Reformed Church each Sunday. Surely they deserved more reverence from the black populace? Or did the compulsory medium of Afrikaans language at black schools have anything to do with the antipathy? 1976. School children in Soweto rebelled against Afrikaans and the apartheid education system. Two hundred and fifty thousand people died in an earthquake in China. Bjorn Borg was the new star at Wimbledon. A Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci earned seven perfect scores at the Olympics. South Africa emerged from the Iron Age with a full Television service!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 06:29:54 +0000

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