They said there was an attempted coup without the military part of - TopicsExpress


They said there was an attempted coup without the military part of it which left us wondering because the evidences point to the contrary. They said we were only going after Dr. Riek Machar and those trouble makers But they just have to make sure those children, women and unarmed men do not plan another coup and so that was why we murdered them in cold blood. They said there was the same targeting in Bor Town But Peter Gatdet and his men took over the town and let all the civilians go to UN compound in Jonglei State. They fear the White Army to death, but yet they called them unorganized punks who do not know any better running around with their AK and PKM RIFLES. SSTV in Juba spent hours and hours talking about one decomposed body of a woman in Bor Town, but right at their nostrils , they refused to report anything about the inhumane treatment fellows citizens of South Sudan were going through just for being Nuer. Salva Kiir was looking and talking real tough like the uneducated general that he is, while saying the numeric 91,91,91 but he was forgetting the other numeric 85,85,85 which was just 6th years before 91 his famous number of 91 which he used to took our to hell. When did Salva Kiir called mercenaries from Uganda? It was let us know that he was in on what happened to Dr. Garang.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 01:37:21 +0000

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