They say insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly with no - TopicsExpress


They say insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly with no result....I am curios does that mean that 43.1% of the youth who are unemployed are insane by applying timeously with no result are insane or does it mean we have a government insane enough to produce the same failing policies and revising old policies. Japan used to be in the 50s a weaker economic power than Ghana, Ghana was so rich it had a prosperous economy. Fast forward 30 years later Ghana was in economic shambles and Japan rose to be a global competitor. What went wrong Leaders insane enough to keep people subdued in oppressive monolithic hierarchies that held on to power for life......So really who is insane I would argue that not the people but insane leaders...Who lack morality and posses elitist principles to regimes.. Haai we are gaatvol we need a change. Not a revolution, but a radical and realistic evolution of leadership. And that will come from stripping off the power from party politics power mongers of our time and reversing this curse. There needs to be a youth policy, a functional youth parliament and radical mass of youth that is prepared to question the plundering status quo. Until that is accomplished our your will be called unemployed and insane to strike for change visa viz an oppressive governance that continues to oppress the Youth in the name of democracy- ITS DEMONCRAZY
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:29:00 +0000

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