Thievery. Thievery is on my mind. Southern Illinoisans ARE - TopicsExpress


Thievery. Thievery is on my mind. Southern Illinoisans ARE significantly THIEVES. Its an art requiring social support in order to accomplish their goals, else they get ratted on and burned a lot. If theivery is not held to be publicly indecent then its GOIN ON, the targets objects criticized for one reason or another and deemed worthy of public criticism by means of stealing - all very stealthylike or as much as humanly possible - from them or it is as is the case of state and federal tax money in a lot of instances. These are more expert at phonying up than in doing an honest living and performing a good service lawfully in a democracy in all cases. To these lawful rights mean little and only the law of Jungle Rd is due and owing. Both of my grandparents were professionals here on the SIUC campus and in Williamson County IL. Both sets, one a Dentist in Johnson City IL and an English professor agreed that this region is not the best for honesty and good character or the most. My grandmother Gillespie was a liquor hating Baptist. My grandmother Schneider was a Presbyterian raised Chicagoan who was too righteous to socialize after her husbands death lest she fall in love again after 1964. Loyalty characterized both of these marriages. Both grandfathers were raised nearby in Williamson County at Creal Springs and in St. Claire County in Waterloo on small farms in the early 1900s. I never feel that I fit in here probably due to what I am and what they instilled. I dont claim perfection, just better than most at honesty and integrity and doing right with the energy of money by my neighbors. My grandfather Schneider was brought here by SIU President Pulliam, a friend from college, to help him get the teachers college approved by voters as a unversity in preparation for expansion which brought a lot of new work for local workmen and women. Now these have pretty well gotten control of the SIUC system which means that theft is GOIN ON. Local pols have seen to it that every member of Dr. Schneiders family has gotten busted badly and are now closing in for the final kill on their ownership of the land he bought between Cdale and Mboro. This is wicked. My grandma was falsely accused of losing some money in the Seniors program that she was honorary CEO. My mother was fired as an editor at university publications before her retirement because she was old fahioned in editing the grammar of those being put up in print. I have been tossed out of 2 undergraduate degrees and got one only due to the action of the university Ombudsman. My sister married the director of university Counseling and his budget was automatically chopped to nothing in a HURRY. I have been thrown into a state mental hospital while all the MDs that I have had to consult ever since have agreed that there is nothing mentally ill about me and so this is useful to the rumor mill to scotch any business and income plans that I come up with to stave off the bill collector. My dad was, in the end, I think murdered by medial scheme over a small surgery that he had to have in 2005 and MDs agree that this is probable and no dreamed up attempt to slander any. Recently our bold federal judge learned that I had remarked on his shady real estate business that he dumped to become clean for his nomination processes to a newspaper editor. 8 days later I was falsely accused of threatening a US Marshall and spent 7 months in jail. The judge was aided by the public defender who is indebted to his business circle which resulted in no ability at all to halt or thwart this federal judges devious plan to hurt me and actually to have me evicted from my residence on my grandpas land on behalf of his life partners in law who are retained by the trust company that has half the farm for sale at some point and as low as it may be sold away to local men in the real estate, banking, and construction tirumvirate. I served as a volunteer probation officer and then as a states attorneys investigator and deptuy sheriff in the 70s before returning to get, probably, a social work degree.... I sold our house and about all that we owned to begin again with degrees. The roof caved in with all the bad things that have occured due to the character of the local men who run for office and those who support them a lot. My grandpas golden pen and tongue were used and now running us off in defeat and bragging on their thievery which Ive not gone public with until now pretty much. The record is going to be pretty clear with the evidence that I continue to get that getting ahead is locally desireable but those able to speak for them in order to get it done are totally unacceptable as leaders thereafter. Chicago ideas, you know.. Phi Beta Cappa is not liked in this region. Way too smart for their own good and of course prosecutors work for popular support not the law in every case so were about done. SIUC actually can be proven to have stolen over 5 thousand dollars in tuition for my second undergrad degree attempt and I was in good standing and above board when thrown out of the social work dept where I was headed in order to help this area at least TRY to do better than to continue breeding smarty little thieves at home while attempting to keep it all together over at the church by faking churchy moralities if at all possible. Im ready to throw in the towel if an honest offer that reflects the farms value is tendered and my surviving family no longer living here agrees. My two kids are going places with top grades that will not be possible for me or for them here in this region now that the U is overshadowed by local pols. Im glad. One is to get a law degree on top of her PhD in philosophy so well see who laughs last and hardest some day soon maybe.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 14:55:56 +0000

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