Thimerosal Mercury (average 25-75 µg/micrograms) is added to all - TopicsExpress


Thimerosal Mercury (average 25-75 µg/micrograms) is added to all multi-dose vials of Influenza vaccine. There is no safe threshold for Thimerosal exposure in young children. ‘Thimerosal is an important preservative that protects vaccines against potential microbial contamination, which may occur in opened multi-dose vials of vaccine. Such contamination could cause serious illness or death. Since seasonal influenza vaccine is produced in large quantities for annual immunization campaigns, some of the vaccine is produced in multi-dose vials, and contains thimerosal to safeguard against possible contamination of the vial once it is opened. The scientific community supports the use of thimerosal in influenza vaccines.‘ CDC ‘The flu vaccine is generally marketed in a multi-dose vial and thimerosal is added to the manufacturing process to maintain sterility of the vaccine. There are two thimerosal-free influenza vaccines approved for sale in Canada, however they are not currently available for publicly funded programs.‘ Public Health Agency of Canada Thimerosal produces ‘lasting impairment of nociception/awareness of tissue injury’…’It has been shown that mercury rapidly depletes the immune system. Mercury has also been shown to induce auto-immune diseases.‘ ‘Results of a CDC study do not support an association between prenatal and infant exposure to vaccines and immunoglobulins that contain thimerosal and an increased risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).‘ CDC, 09/13/2010 ‘Emerging evidence supports the theory that some autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may result from a combination of genetic/biochemical susceptibility, specifically a reduced ability to excrete mercury (Hg), and exposure to Hg at critical developmental periods.‘ A comprehensive review of mercury provoked autism: Geier DA, King PG, Sykes LK, Geier MR., The Institute of Chris Lordronic Illnesses, Silver Wicca Spring, MD, USA, Oct/2008 Contrary to all the Vaccine Industry rhetoric & double-speak we’re forced to swallow as a community of a unilateral plan to completely phase-out its use, the truth reveals that Thimerosal Mercury is still being added, by design, “ostensibly” as a sterilant/preservative, in numerous vaccines on the standard immunization schedule. Quantities/traces of Thimerosal (average 25-75 µg/micrograms) are currently found in the following vaccines: a. Seasonal influenza Vaccine (multi-dose version) – ‘Afluria‘, ‘Fluzone‘, ‘Fluvirin‘, ‘FluLaval‘, ‘Flumist‘ b. Hepatitis B Vaccine – ‘Engerix‘, ‘Twinrix‘ c. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Vaccine (series) – ‘Tripedia‘ d. Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Vaccine (multi-dose vials) – ‘ActHIB®‘ e. Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine – ‘Menomune‘ f. Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine – ‘M-M-R II‘ g. Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine – No Trade Name/ manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur ’The most likely maximum amount of ethyl mercury that an infant may be exposed to from the routine vaccination schedule has been reduced by 60%, from 187.5 µg to 75 µg.‘ CDC Children have been betrayed by those “health officials” sworn (ostensibly) to protect them; who outlined a gradual phase-down plan, leading to an eventual outlawing of Thimerosal in vaccines. Mainstream Media sold the public with celebratory banner headlines. Case closed. Regrettably, behind the scenes, evidence of a “shell game” type double cross in the offing; with virtually no change in global policy on use of Thimerosal, ‘They actually did just a show removal, taking Thimerosal out of only 3.48 percent of those vaccines – and all of that was in the US, attempting to mollify, and mislead, American parents of damaged children. About 104 million childhood vaccines are administered, worldwide, each year, and only about 4 million have a preservative other than Thimerosal.’ Bolen Report Vaccine Resistance Movement
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 01:02:40 +0000

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