This Day in Texas History - April 2 1840 - Slave Smuggler Revealed - TopicsExpress


This Day in Texas History - April 2 1840 - Slave Smuggler Revealed as Forger | #fultonwx On this day in 1840, the slave smuggler Monroe Edwards was convicted of having forged a bill of sale from his partner, Christopher Dart. Monroe Edwards was the model confidence man. He smuggled slaves into Brazil, Cuba, and Texas. He traveled Europe in the guise of an upper-class veteran and abolitionist. He forged letters of introduction to wealthy families and conned them out of hundreds of dollars. He fraudulently obtained tens of thousands of dollars from bankers and merchants. Found with $40,000 when he was arrested, Monroe was one of the most celebrated conmen of his time. Monroe EdwardsAlthough Edwards retained two distinguished lawyers, John C. Watrous and John W. Harris, the forgery was discovered during a civil trial in Brazoria. Edwards was found liable for more than $89,000 plus interest and court costs. He was also indicted and jailed. After making bond on the criminal charge, he fled to Europe, where he posed as a wealthy veteran of San Jacinto and an abolitionist. He left Europe after a threat of exposure by the Texas envoy to England and returned to the United States, where he engaged in several large-scale forgeries. He was finally arrested and incarcerated in the Tombs prison in New York. His trial was a celebrated one, with lengthy reports of each day’s testimony printed in the New York Daily Tribune and other newspapers. Edwards again retained celebrated lawyers but was found guilty and sentenced to Sing Sing prison. After an escape attempt in 1847 he was severely beaten by prison authorities and died. For Daily Tidbits and Weather, Like or Subscribe to: facebook/FultonWeather ®
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 17:21:43 +0000

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