This article has some grounding facts on the effect of a 7.5 year - TopicsExpress


This article has some grounding facts on the effect of a 7.5 year study had on 65,000 of people in a British Study. I will outline some of the highlighted stats - but before doing so, I still shake my head at the diluted use of the word may reduce death risk in the heading. Even the article itself has strong stats but it starts and finishes with may have an impact on your life. Some of the highlight points are: ~ 4,400 people died int he 7.5 years where researches attributed death to a significant association between diet and death risks ~The more fruit and veggies eaten the more death risk fell ~veggies accounted for 16% reduction in mortality compared to 10% in fruits. So veggies have a greater effect than fruits, but go for fruits as a great choice instead of a sickly sweet processed food. ~ The good old canned and frozen veggies - the study showed that those eating largely canned and frozen fruit and veggies increased death risk by 17%! its quoted might refined sugar be acting as the concealed villain in this Shakespearean drama? as Brits eat 4 x more canned food (predom fruit) as opposed to frozen veggies. My thoughts - fresh is best. Eat from the farm and not the factory. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. In our indigenous cultures, our ancestors help great intellectual property on the medicinal properties of food, leaves, roots and bark. Nature provided the supermarket as well as the pharmacy. We have lost all that. But we can easily empower our knowledge by simple steps. And one last thought from my soap box now....fruit and veggies are more expensive which may keep people from not eating them? Really? More expensive compared to what? Seriously? A kilo of veggies can be turned into a meal that serves a whole family in different recipes for a week! A kilo of fruit and veggies averages $5 these days - a kilo of meat, fish averages $20 these days. Come on researches - lets flush the rubbish out and stand tall when you shout out your findings. Dont dilute your message behind marketing and media jargon. Fruit and veggies IS NOT an expensive way to eat Eating fruit and veggies WILL give you longevity - period!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 00:15:06 +0000

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