This happened in 2011. The police shot him because he didnt pay - TopicsExpress


This happened in 2011. The police shot him because he didnt pay his bus fare and then runs. Do you know how much a bus fare cost in SF? Apparently enough for five cops to shoot him dead. I dont know what IS going here. This is scary. And apparently its just what we do nowadays. Is this some sort of psychological mind game? Dont watch if you cant deal with real violence. Yeah, you can watch violent tv shows and movies but this is real. This is wrong. The saddest part is if this was me I wouldnt even go to jail. They wouldnt even chase me. But its worse than that. So much worse. People should be aware of this. This is not just michael Brown. Its not just Trayvon Martin. Its so much bigger. And what word rhymes with bigger. If you thought of it and laughed then Defriend me cause I dont need to deal with your 19th century bullshit. Grow up and move on. If youre still bitter that the north won 160 years ago then you are still a little child. Im a grown up. Stay in your bubble and dont leave it. LIVE IN YOUR GATED FENCES. You dont want any part of this. Then stay there and let this world do its thing.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 03:40:37 +0000

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