This is a great initiative. Indeed, now is not a time to be - TopicsExpress


This is a great initiative. Indeed, now is not a time to be silent. We will be organizing events in 2015 with similar aims but in a different way. Rather than solely open forums, how about tables, food, & small group conversation with people we do not know, people of a different race, gender, age? Instead of the subject of race relations, why not start with simply sharing with one another that which is meaningful and most important to us while we eat?See, we at OneHartsville share an important belief: talking ABOUT relationships has little to do with building them; Relationships are something that we DO with other people. We believe that we all share a common humanity, and that we tend to focus in society on the 0.1% of perceived differences. We believe that our fundamental way forward is intentional and consistent relationship building and exposing common humanity like love for family, the experience of emotion, and a desire to be happy. Overcoming a seemingly vast divide concerning race relations is not rocket science; its relationship building. Its about creating opportunities for individuals to witness with their own hearts and minds the fact that we are all basically the same. Communication and trust are developed around commonality, not what makes us different. We make the mistake of approaching society as though it were a computer, a network. But a community is an organism, full of emotion. Relationships are messyand full of give and take and natural flow. Treating them like a computer network will eventually frustrate even the most patient among us. After building meaningful and true relationships across racial lines, perhaps then we can tackle the tough questions like race relations. Our theory though: once genuine relationships are developed, the subject will be irrelevant. m.huffpost/us/entry/6344164
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:11:45 +0000

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