This is a lot of reading, but very interesting!! This is about - TopicsExpress


This is a lot of reading, but very interesting!! This is about Lambertville High School this abandoned school is located in Nj just over the line. Some History About The Lambertville High School- The school was built in 1854. A fire destroyed much of it in 1926, but was remodeled in 1927. According to rumor, there was another fire in 1992 which destroyed the school for good. I could not find an official closing date, but my guess is that the school wasnt touched after that fire. Historical Background- The school was built in 1854. A fire destroyed much of it in 1926, but was remodeled in 1927. According to rumor, there was another fire in 1992 which destroyed the school for good. I could not find an official closing date, but my guess is that the school wasnt touched after that fire. Most of the information available on the web are simply stories from other adventure seekers. Our next trip will be to the local library to find out more. Reported Activity- There are several things reported to happen at this old school. Most of which consists of strange lights and noises throughout the school. I would wager that most of that can be attributed to the young adventure seekers and/or kids having drinking parties. One thing that brought out people like us were the haunted black boards. Several have claimed that in one of the classrooms on the second floor, the black boards were covered with drawings of children crying and burning. Another local legend is that of Buckeye. There is actually two versions of this story, but with the same basic back story. There was a championship football game between Lambertville and New Hope (PA). An intense game was going on. During a normal play, one of the New Hope Buckeyes was tackled to the ground. When all the players got up, this boy was left lying still on the grass. His neck was broken and his head was doing a 180. Because of this tragedy, the parents of the New Hope students had football removed form the schools extra-curricular activities. Urban legend #1- You are to stand on the landing between the first and second floors, just inside the front doors, and say out loud I challenge Billy (or Buckeye, depending on who you ask) to a football game! Then, out of nowhere, a football is supposed to fly straight at your head, breaking your neck. Urban Legend #2- While on the football field, located somewhere further up the hill, one is supposed to say out loud Buckeye, I challenge you to a race! A wind blows in, then either a mist arises or a pair of glowing, red eyes appear at one end of the field. A voices is heard saying Run to the other end of the field or die! Ok, most of the sites that I found this on had stories from a friend of mine who always swears its true. Investigation Report- Unfortunately, the rain and some kids who showed up all but shot down any chance of doing any kind of real investigation. But, there was still the thrill of exploring an old, abandoned building. We started by taking a walk around the perimeter, checking in doorways and windows. We found the infamous Tombstone of Lambertville High. Yes, the students that dedicated this to the school (The Class of 1927) should have stepped back, taken the first look at it…then said This is a BAD omen. We walked through the front door and headed to the basement. We found what we think was the shop class, as we found many tools and some sort projector. There looked to be mostly maintenance offices and storage throughout the basement. We were greeted by some local teens that were checking if we were cops. (Note to teens exploring abandoned buildings- If youre afraid that there are cops in the building and youll get in trouble…DO NOT GO TOWARDS THEM! This will lead you to the trouble. Although the area was NOT posted, there is always the chance youre trespassing.) We ventured up to the first floor, pausing so Kenny could challenge Buckeye. Kenny is still with us. I would like to note here that Diana snapped off several pictures with her digital camera. One photo, taken when Kenny was challenging Buckeye, came out blurry. Since the flash went off, it seems odd to me that the camera was out of focus for only one photo. But, alas, it was out of focus for two photos…keep reading. The team explored each room, taking their time to look into every corner and cubby hole. All of the black boards have long since been destroyed, with only the outline of where they used to be still on the walls. We didnt find any pictures of burning or crying children. The top floor is mostly fallen through to the main floor, but theres still enough up there to explore. There is a ton of plants all over what is left of the hallways and rooms. Take note that if you venture up there, walk slowly and test EVERY step. Dont just go strutting through thinking youll be fine…because thats when youll fall. We went down to the ground floor and made our way over to the right-side building. When one visits the school, the first doorway they see accesses the left side, or wing. We didnt find a connecting hall in the basement, and the main floor connecting hallway was blocked by the collapse of the top floor. The left side had more of the top floor collapsed into it, as seen in each room. Most of the doors to the classrooms are still intact and the small offices inside the rooms are still standing (barely). We also discovered a cabinet with a felt board inside. This piece actually looked to be in good condition. We also met one of the residents, a bat that made Patty jump! We found what we think was the Chem Lab. There was a kitchen, complete with a stove and an actual Ice Box, the kind where one would place a block of dry ice in the bottom. We found several rows of old glass bottles in the same room, one of which is now our possession. Now, this is where we got the second blurry picture. Diana snapped a photo of the rest of us which turned out blurry, but thats not what is interesting about this photo. It seems that the camera focused on a red orb that is free floating in space. Weve looked over the reference photos and could not find a suitable cause for this effect.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 00:24:23 +0000

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