This is a must read! Thanks brother Pieter for sending me this - TopicsExpress


This is a must read! Thanks brother Pieter for sending me this one!.... What is happiness? Everyone has their own perception of what happiness truly is but recent studies show many people show that optimism, self-confidence, gratitude, hope, compassion, purpose and empathy are common denominators and are all qualities that anyone can own. Here are 5 basic steps that can help build the framework towards 5 key happiness skills: S.T.A.G.E. – Savor, Thank, Aspire, Give and Empathize. Savor Savoring is a quick and easy way to boost optimism and reduce stress and negative emotions. It’s the practice of noticing the good stuff around you and taking the extra time to prolong and intensity your enjoyment of the moment. So whether it’s preparing a meal, pausing to admire the sunset, or telling your friend good news – the idea is to linger, take it in, and enjoy the experience. Eventually it’ll become a habit – one that you’ll never want to break. Research shows that those who regularly and frequently savor are happier, more optimistic and more satisfied with life. Thanks The simple act of identifying and then appreciating the things people do for us is a modern-day happy pill. It fills us with optimism and self-confidence, knowing that others are there for us. It deepens our relationships with loved one. And when we express our gratitude to someone, we get kindness and gratitude in return. A Professor of Psychology at the University of California, is a leading researcher in this field, believes that everyone should try practicing gratitude because the benefits are so powerful. The practice of gratitude can increase happiness levels by around 25%. It can also provide overall positive health effects such as longer and better quality sleep time. Aspire Feeling hopeful, having a sense of purpose, being optimistic. Study after study shows that people who have created meaning in their lives are happier and more satisfied with their lives. You can also feel more upbeat about your future and your potential. And who doesn’t want that? Genuine optimism is a friend magnet. It also makes your goals seem attainable and your challenges easier to overcome. Bottom line: you’ll not only feel more successful, you’ll be more successful. A person’s level of hope is shown to correlate with how well they perform tasks. Using one’s strengths in daily life curbs stress and increases self-esteem and vitality. Believing that your goals are within reach promotes a sense of meaning and purpose in life – a key ingredient of happiness. Give Everything about giving is a no-brainer. Obviously when you give someone something, you make them happier. But what you might not know is that the giver reaps even more benefits. Studies have shown that being kind not only makes us feel less stressed, isolated and angry, but it makes us feel considerably happier, more connected with the world and more open to new experiences. Doing nice things for people can lift your mood. It doesn’t have to be something material, a genuine smile, a friendly hug. When we give of ourselves, everything from life satisfaction to self-realization and physical health is significantly affected. Empathize Empathy is a powerful word packed with lots of different interpretations. It’s the ability to care about others. It’s the ability to imagine and understand the thoughts, behaviors or ideas of other, including those different from ourselves. If you care the relationships in your life, the learning skill of empathy has enormous payoffs. When we empathize with people, we become less judgmental, less frustrated, angry or disappointment and we develop patience. We also solidify the bonds with those closest to us. And when we realize we really listen to the points of view of others, they’re very likely to listen to ours. Strong relationships are essential to happiness. To summarize, you have the ability to control how you feel and act – and with consistent practice, you can form life-long habits for a more satisfying, happy and fulfilling life.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 02:55:55 +0000

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