This is a reply to Dana, to Rob and Lisa, and to Stephen - TopicsExpress


This is a reply to Dana, to Rob and Lisa, and to Stephen (Gozaimasu HisRoyalslyness Stone), because all the discussions are related to us and all come together in the big picture that we see/sense. Danas thread: https://facebook/arthurcristian/posts/10204322437169131 - Rob and Lisas thread: https://facebook/magdalena.gniatczynska/posts/10152241266996176 - Stephens thread: https://facebook/hisroyalslyness.gozaimasustone/posts/824492904257964 From this Facebook thread: https://facebook/arthurcristian/posts/10204322437169131 Dana, we were always sincere and clear in our intentions with you throughout the whole of the Eckhart Tolle interaction. Eckhart Tolle is NAME. Do you fully comprehend the significance of this and how it shatters EVERYONE who falls into and under-the-standing of the image-power associated to that name? We were NOT addressing your pure and sincere heart-felt inspired intentions, we were addressing the Satanic power behind the name Eckhart Tolle and its effect on all victims who fall under the image power of that name. The Bible is also name, as is Jesus, Virgin Mary, etc. There are multi millions of them. When we choose to put our faith and belief into a name, an image, we empower it with our life force energy which is reflected back at us in the image of our projection, our making. When there are multi thousands/millions all focusing on the same image, name, the collective will power and intent of that faith and belief empowers everyone under that image. This is how so-called miracles and healings are created; there is no miracle about any of them, just the collective life force energy and the intent of believers creating them. This is Satanic practise, the craft and practise of Satanism. The Bible is set to the system - everything in the background of the Bible is The System, just as the background to Tolle is The System of name. These are pictures that are not brought to anyones attention and, because they are not brought to anyones attention, they become the blind spots that we explain further on, that people are not aware of. There is far more information in the picture of the Bible or the virgin Mary than believers are conscious of; it is subliminal programming. When we confront bible believers and point this out to them, they do not want to look at this. They are in deep denial because they cant prove that any of the images of Jesus, the Bible, etc, have come to them through direct experience in nature. They have not experienced them as living sensory life forms. They are just pictures that we call thoughts. The belief of the believers is so powerful that they do not want to see that they are just believing what they have been educated to believe. They are willingly continuing their slave status, even fighting for it. As we often say, where can innocent children not exposed to system images, such as God, Bible, Jesus, etc, directly experience these images in nature as sensory life forms? They cannot comprehend these images without someone who has already been brainwashed into the images explaining them to them. Where would a child brought up in nature with animals and no evidence of civilisation anywhere, ever come across these images? This shows us how deep Bible believers are in denial. For instance, they talk about God being male but, if they look carefully into the system images in the Bible, they will see that the priests are male, and the leaders are mostly male. This is the psyop programming at work because all the believers trapped by these Satanic images are also trapped by all the other images of The System that they have learnt through their education. They think that they are saved but they are still slaves, still compelled by all the laws and rules and regulations and to working hard, day in, day out, to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. This isnt freedom, this is delusion! All they have to offer is the spell they have fallen for. Another MAN is their master but they think they are saved. Satanists, those who create the images for others to fall for, also have the power to send images to peoples brains, whether of appearances or miracles so that the believers are convinced of what they believe in. This consolidates their belief and, as their belief system is set against The System, cannot help but support The System if they continue worshipping their beliefs. The image makers are MAN and the believers are MAN. There is no separated archetype, no invisible higher, more powerful being that only the lucky, privileged few get to glimpse or experience. For example, if someone wants to come and visit us, we can give them the location we are at and they can come to that location and experience us directly through their senses. We cannot, however, visit God or Jesus and experience them directly through our senses. If we ask for their location we are told that they are in heaven which we cannot experience either! All we can experience is another man or woman telling us about God or Jesus that they most likely havent experienced directly through their senses either. All that they are worshipping are pictures, names, that have been given to them by other men and women that are nowhere to be found as sensory living life forms in nature. Does anything of nature need these pictures in order to exist? By worshipping these pictures, they are worshipping the MAN who invented the pictures, the MAN who thought them up. At the start of the Bible, it says, In the beginning was the word and the word was with God. The Satanists are telling you the truth: the word is man-made and God is the inventor of the word = a MAN. The word is not natural, not sensory. It doesnt exist as a sensory life form of its own free will, as a horse does. Christians say that the Bible is the living word of God, but where is it living? Where can we visit this living word? Where can we visit the pictures/images of this living word? Where can we visit the languages that this living word is presented in? Where are a, b, c? Or Hebrew, or hieroglyphics? Believers in this living word are actually believers in the image power of another MAN, in the pictures thought up by a MAN. Bible believers break their first commandment, Thou shalt have no other gods before me. They break it because the thought of God is not God - it is just an idea of a God made up by another MAN and they are worshipping that MAN as a God. The System was made up by a MAN who made up the letters and pictures that became the spells that persuaded other men and women to give up their power to the law, politics, religions, education and institutions of The System. Most men and women are deeply discriminated against because they dont want power and control over others so end up giving up their power to others because, in The System, there always has to be someone in power. We learn not to take full responsibility for being the creator and to live lives under limited liability. Pictures/images/words cant come forward as first parties; only men and women can come forwards to explain the pictures to us. This clearly shows us the truth that WE are the ones with the power. We are the living, sensory life forms that can be experienced by other living sensory life forms without the need for explanations or smoke and mirror tactics. Christians can show us plenty of good messages in the Bible, such as love thy neighbour, do not steal, etc, but that does not mean that the Bible is not a brainwashing tool to keep men and women trapped in The System. Did we not have all these good attributes before the Bible came along? Why are they putting doubt and uncertainty into MANS thinking? In the same way, there are lots of good messages in the work of Tolle, but this does not detract from the fact that his work is set against the backdrop of The System and does nothing to free men and women from the tyranny of system thought and belief. Satanists love supporting his work by allowing him exposure and a following because they use people like him as a net that captures men and women who are looking for a way out, for an end to the suffering of The System. In their searching, they come across Tolle, feel the good in his work and think they have found something really powerful, unaware, or in denial, of the fact that his work is another system cul-de-sac that just continues their slave status in The System. This is why we are always talking about seeing the bigger picture: if we do not see/sense the big-picture, as to what is really going on, we will continue to be duped, deceived, tricked and trapped under the image power of name = the continuation of self-centeredness = the continuation of complete e-motional bondage to The System of name/names. Those behind The System know this which is why people such as Tolle get invited onto Oprah Winfrey and given huge exposure throughout the media of The System. You dont see us invited on Oprah, do you? Or anywhere, even among so called freedom/truth/alternative operators. The only people who interview us are small, totally independent men and women with their own internet radio stations.You would think that all those freedom/truthers out there would at least have an interest in seeing what we have to say, and in scrutinising it and putting what we say to the test. But no, we are ignored, which we take as a huge compliment! The name, Eckhart Tolle and all that he writes, does not address almost everything we have been addressing since March 2005. The System images associated to Name, Love For and names Fiona Cristian, Arthur Cristian and Arthur & Fiona Cristian, etc, address the big picture we see/sense in and of The System allowing everyone who comes into contact with these names (images) to see/sense the big picture we see/sense IF they put the effort in and do all the hard work, scrutinising, etc, required. As occurred in the Eckhart Tolle discussion and as again re-occurring in this FB PM chat, you are completely caught up in the e-motion of Name Dana Clark in conflict with the living MAN Fiona Cristian & Arthur Cristian, which has absolutely nothing to do with our intentions, perceptions, insights, what we are saying/writing, etc, where we are really coming from, etc...... If we want to stop reacting to trauma, to the pull of e-motion, we have to learn how to get off ALL our e-motional self-centeredness, attachments to name and the pictures associated with name. To us, MAN has spent too long in our heads and we need to learn how to get out of there. MANS/our consciousness was meant to always be in control of our head and not our head in control and apart from our/MANS consciousness. All the e-motions are clearly demonstrating the head disconnected from consciousness. No one owns consciousness for to do so is to enter into the storytelling of a make-believe illusion of separation between us. By setting ownership into motion, which we do through belief in name (that life-form is a daffodil and is yellow), with all the associated pictures/explanations attached (the yellow daffodil is part of this and that and does this and that...), we create the illusion of separation between each other (your names postal address, tax file number, bank account, drivers license, etc and my names postal address, tax file number, bank account, drivers license, etc), and between us and nature (astrology, astronomy, system science, etc), and between who we really are and the make-believe performance of who we think and e-motionally believe we are. The e-motional separation becomes the chaos in need of order, becomes the divide that needs to be ruled, so we buy/mortgage/lease land under name to provide the order to the chaos (doubt, uncertainty, fear-of-tomorrow, etc) name has. Do we have to jump 10 feet across a room to grab our next breath? Of course not, we already have it where we already are. Through psyops programs we get conned into believing that the name we re-present does not have freedom, security, stability, etc, unless name owns land, so on behalf of name, we buy/lease/mortgage land to compensate for (have ownership over) this e-motional trauma. We are already on land yet the e-motional program of lot, plot, address, bank account, mortgage, etc, provides the illusion of order (security) over land. We were meant to be dreaming through our consciousness and expanding our consciousness by doing/being/living it (grounding/creating our dreams) through thoughts inspired, guided and directed by our consciousness. The e-motions ONLY offer conflict with MANS consciousness, conflict in-between who we think we are and our consciousness because who we think we are was put into our heads by someone else. Then there is the conflict between us, MAN to MAN, and the conflict between MAN and nature because everything of Earth/Nature/MAN has all been explained to us, we have not created this information in our unique lives in present sense through direct, sensory experience. There is NO separation but we were trained to imagine a separation through explanation/education/instruction and, lost in this make-believe, we perform the separation as an e-motional program. Us, name, to nature, name. Us, name, to multi-millions of names. Divide = name- and rule = name. This is how we have all been broken down into The System of name. We do not question who you are, or your intentions or sincerity, etc. We did not ask anyone to jump on the bandwagon and have a go at you. Why are you taking everything so personally (e-motionally)? We ALL have baggage to let go of, Dana, in many, many different ways so we are NEVER about superiority or being right or exclusivity or privilege. We will never claim to be better than anyone. What we do have to draw on is these past 9 years of scutinising and contemplating, thinking and sensing very deeply about everything we come across. This sometimes makes us seem as though we think we know it all to people who want to take us this way. It is not that we think that we know it all, it is just that we have covered a huge amount of ground over that period and this experience enables us to very quickly see the lies and the fraud and the layers of deception. So, to some, we seem to write things off very fast, without looking at them in depth? Why? Because we can tell very quickly what is going on. Arthur did watch the video and we have read some of Tolles work previously. We know what he is about. Many people who have read Tolle form an e-motional attachment to his work because of things they like in his work. This can blind them to the bigger picture of what Tolle is really a part of, which is marching everyone towards the NWO, even though he may be unaware of this. We had to go through a culling process as we woke up. We thought David Icke was the bees knees and it was a shock when we realised what his role really is. And he is just one example of many, many people, ideas, books, etc, that we had to be brave enough to let go of to come to where we are now. Most people who wake up go through this and it is actually a great thing to go through because it weans us off our e-motional attachments. We have to be careful about projecting our past experiences, feelings, e-motions, etc, onto what we are presented with. When we do, it is as though we take a white shirt and dip it in a bucket of mud, the mud being our baggage. When we do this, we are unable to see the white shirt clearly because of the mud. How many relationships are conducted through the mud because people are unable to set aside the mud to really sense and experience their partner? Many, many, many, many. This is no different to the daffodil is yellow. Every time we come across that life form, our heads are spinning with the daffodil is yellow and this image is more powerful to us than the actual life form. We cannot sense the life form because of the mud we are plastering it with. When you place your e-motional attachment to what you were saying over us, you can no longer sense us, where we are coming from, our intentions, etc. You are in the trauma of that e-motion. Again, Dana, this is not to have a go at you. This is the reality for just about every one out there trapped in the e-motion of The System. This is what we are trying to point out to you about Tolle. The pull of e-motion towards Tolle is actually very dangerous to everyone unsuspecting of the sleight of hand tactics in his work that become the blind spots that keep us firmly trapped in The System no matter how much we think we are waking up and getting out. As we wrote a few days ago on the FB wall........ The challenge is to see/sense the complete big-picture cause then we can clearly navigate our way out of The System in this life as part of a mass exodus, never to be trapped. But if we dont clearly see/sense the big picture in its entirety then we remain trapped in all those areas we do not see/sense, the blind spots, and there we remain trapped with everyone else who followed our/their path (words)/pictures. When we think of a name, any name, we will have a whole lot of meanings/associations, etc, that come with that name, but there are many names, many pictures that have a vast array of e-motional attachment that are the blind spots that stop everyone from seeing the big picture. If you cant see/sense the big picture, then you are trapped to be used and abused by Satanists/Freemasons who have got you exactly where they want you. By association with the name, through your e-motional attachment, you are now open to being manipulated by the reflections, the mud, of all the system images..... the daffodil is yellow. Which is exactly why we answered your question/s the way we did - we were pointing out the bigger picture! What we see from you, is a persistent habit of dumping your e-motional attachments on everyone, creating conflict where there is none intended. We have never asked you to get e-motional or defensive with us, or to take things we say as an attack on you, the woman. We have nothing against you, you are a good woman trying to make sense of the shitty world you have to live in and determined to do something about fixing it. Good for you - most people cant be bothered. We have to be strong enough to be able to talk about all our shit without getting into reactive, defensive mode. We ALL have baggage and we have to learn to talk about it and to look at it if we are to be able to leave it behind and walk to freedom together. We go over this again and again and again with many, many people as we try to show them that we have to learn to focus on the task at hand even while our baggage is there because it is in the doing of Kindom, in the coming together and working for the healing of earth/nature/MAN that we learn to let go of everything that is preventing that healing. The Matrix is an information highway of multiple millions of distractions that we have been educated to slip into and focus on until it becomes a habit that we practise and practise and practise until we become separated from our consciousness because we no longer sense it. Breaking this habit takes practise, practise, practise and more practise. Keep up your gardening - this is one way of breaking the practise! You will learn to recognise when your head kicks in, the mud, the e-motion of pictures/names that occupy your focus becoming the blind spots that stop you being present to the living, because they themselves are not living - the mud has taken over. We see this all the time in the garden - people not being present to what they are doing, which is when the mistakes happen because people dont know where they are. The living MAN is no longer living at that moment because his/her consciousness is not in focus - the mud is. Neither are they present to the consciousness of the plants, the soil, the worms, the microbes, etc. In the process of learning to being present, they start to notice that they have drifted off and, as they become more aware of these tendencies, they are amazed at how often they do it. Before we become aware of these habits, we do it all the time, totally unaware of the strength of this pull of satanic images that make us slaves and drones. Kindom is about a living reality, not a dead one which is The System with all the e-motional baggage. Our consciousness needs to be present with the consciousness of all of life around us because there is no separation. All our thoughts should be coming from our consciousness to create the motions of our consciousness which is the dream that we live for in the life we live as MAN. When we are present to the consciousness of sensory life forms that we are working with, we sense their purpose and their connection with everything and we would never do harm to this. Living MAN, living garden, living air, living soil, living creatures, etc, that is all our living, sensory consciousness. And we are present to the presence of that consciousness. There are no blind spots. It is when the mud kicks in that it all goes wrong. When we let our heads drift off, the e-motional programs have kicked in and we are no longer in control; a man-made alien power has taken over and is dictating to us and ruling us. The System is made up of names. Tolle does not provide the big picture. He only provides Satanic images by association to a fictitious self, the name. Victims to this Satanic treachery dont know how else to be. They think that the pictures they are thinking are who they really are but it is all make-believe, all mud, making up their whole system lives. My God, my saviour, my ascension, my money, my land, my, my, my, my, my............................................. Which is what The System is all about. We are all broken down and divided by these images (names) as in-divide-you-all (individuals), living for our e-motional programs (made up of names), and then given more system images (names) to glue us all together as one - nation, country, state, principality, suburb, city, culture, religion, law, politics, education, entertainment, etc, etc, so that we can get on/live with each other bound by all the names of rules, regulations, rituals, conditions, procedures, contracts, etc, that we worship as one. Paradise this aint! Separation by name is not Paradise, is not freedom. If you fully comprehend and sense/see where we are really coming from then you will see/sense that we have answered all your questions and so much more and that you can work everything else out in your unique original way without conflict = mud getting in the way. When we have really woken up, nothing of the mud fazes us anymore, there is nothing to defend about who we are. We are not reactive to anything. All of our mud, warts and all, is all over the Love For Life website. We are not ashamed of this, or embarrassed. Others can learn from our mud if they wish and it all documents what we have gone through to get where we are now. We do not have e-motional attachments to any outcomes. If you want to work with us, great. If you decide you dont want to then it is no problem and we will keep doing what we are doing. We are not going to allow e-motion to rule us because e-motion comes as passive aggressiveness, as power and control trips, as victim states, as injuries, as no responsibility, as complaints, as pride, anger, rage, depression, loneliness, wanting something from someone, all sorts of negative, destructive e-motions, including suicide. We cannot bring any of this stuff to Kindom. Our heads have to be clear of this shit. This is our gift to you and the best gift we have to offer. If you want to learn it, learn it, if you dont, dont. If you no longer want to like us, dont. It is up to you and we are not e-motionally attached either way. To re-hash: the only place the Satanic world has power is in getting us to focus on the images they offer us. To depart from this hell, we have to be able to see the bigger picture so that we can see the way to navigate out forever more. When we wake up, we are ruthless to their world, we smash it brutally. This is why we say we come with a baseball bat - we show people their e-motional baggage because if they do not see it, they will not be able to let go of it. The baseball bat is confrontation, done with the best of intentions, to help people connect with their consciousness and see the mud for what it really is. How else are we going to return to paradise? And if we bring this stuff with us, there is no paradise, just a continuation of The System under another guise. When we have really woken up, we have no e-motional attachment to name, to Fiona, Arthur, Dana. We dont push away anyone when challenged, there is no abyss, no falling down into the raging fires of an e-motional hell. There is only consciousness and we can talk about anything with nothing personal coming in between. This is as empowering as it gets, which is why the Satanists/Freemasons do not want us coming together like this. They want us to come together through weakness, not strength. They want us to fake consciousness, fake truth, fake freedom, fake peace, fake our lives, etc........ :)
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:47:50 +0000

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