This is a time of significant change on our planet, we all have an - TopicsExpress


This is a time of significant change on our planet, we all have an opportunity to ride this wave or duck beneath it. Riding it means facing our fears and letting them go, allowing the Divine Source to align with our deepest desires and to dissolve our biggest fears. I am offering this months Meditation session to tune into your psychic vibes and completely open them up, to allow each person present to offer their fears and as we meditate together. I will connect with each one of you individually during the class to energise the specific chakras with the help of Archangel Michael. Bring your favorite crystals and healing tools to this magical event so they can contribute to the high vibes of the evening. Bring an offering for the alter - a flower, rock, or other natural object Bring your fears and worries to release to the angels ( written on paper) to offer to the Divine for complete healing and transmutation. Allow yourself to completely relax into the Divine energy during the powerful meditation designed to help you to Let Go. Energy work as a group is so powerful, this is a huge opportunity to sincerely take part in a letting go, to support others as they do so. Byo cushion/mat and please arrive on time 5.45 for a 6pm start. All welcome- 16+ age group $20 on the door.
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 07:37:22 +0000

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