This is about the saddest video I’ve ever watched. First - We - TopicsExpress


This is about the saddest video I’ve ever watched. First - We may debate the unfathomable and infinite reasons why a person, especially a young person with practically his whole life in front of him, would commit suicide until the end of time. Whether you believe it to be an act of selfishness or a true inability to cope with the pressures and pains of life. Whether you feel that most people who are threatening suicide are merely crying out for attention or that they should be taken seriously at first mention of it ... no matter what the underlying reasons are that would cause a person to consider taking their own life and whether or not you feel those reasons are valid or not ... ANY PERSON THAT IS THREATENING OR TALKING ABOUT SUICIDE IS HURTING. Secondly - the mother of the boy on this video freely admits that the posting of this video may be viewed by some as inappropriate. She is fully aware that the video is difficult to watch and that might be seen by some as highly personal and that those people will opine that the video should have remained within the family. She explains her decision to put the video up on Facebook and I believe her intentions are sincere and heartfelt. Thirdly - If the posting of this video helps one person to either abandon thoughts of suicide or convinces one person to be more aware of the powerful impact that their words may have on someone .. then it was worth posting Remember - some people, your friends, your classmates your spouse, your siblings and extended family and especially your children hear what you say to them and they take it to heart .. often moreso than you do of your own words. I am deeply saddened upon watching this video but I am so glad that I did because it has reminded me to consider the ramifications of my own words. The mothers message: My heart has a hole in it that will never be filled. Yes, I still have 3 beautiful healthy children but that doesnt mean Blake didnt matter and my other children are so awesome and they know that I love them , they know they are individually loved and they are not selfish and they are giving me time to grieve over Blake without worrying about themselves. Blake and me , as many as you that were close to us, know we were much more like brother and sister. Just like my other children , he was my best friend!! Many of you have asked me to re-post Blakes video. In the message he sent me on my phone, he asked me to show this to everyone. I have been told that somethings shouldnt be posted on social media net works when it affects other people. Well I am here to tell you because of the things Blake heard over the past few days had an affect on him. Shorty after this video was made he committed suicide. He died of a broken heart. He couldnt see past tomorrow. He just hurt so much. It is not that he didnt choose life, he just chose not to feel the pain that life was giving him at the moment. People need to wake up and realize the consequences of the words they speak and what it does to other people. What happened to Blake, should never have happened. We may not have pulled the trigger that ended his life but we all contributed in some way or another. Gossip... Gossip hurts others Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of our mouths but only such as good for building up as fits the occasion , that it may give grace to those who hear. Titus 3:2 To speak evil of no one , to avoid quarreling , to be gentle , and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. Exodus 23:1 You shall not spread a false report. And most importantly Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another , tenderhearted, forgiving, one another as God in Christ forgave you. I have raised my children to treat people the way you want to be treated. That is how my Blake was. He was always giving, loving, compassionate, thoughtful and tenderhearted just like his ole mom. He just heard so much in the last couple days of his life he just didnt know how to cope with it. . My life will be forever changed. I love you Blake Coatney and and baby you will be heard . I encourage and ask everyone to share his story and video! https://facebook/photo.php?v=689791967736198
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 01:15:03 +0000

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