This is an open letter to Paul Calandra be Parliamentary Secretary - TopicsExpress


This is an open letter to Paul Calandra be Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister Dear Mr. Calandra, As I watched your performance in Question Period today and later on Power and Politics, I felt the most instance sadness for you. It appeared to me that you are a man, who has lost his soul or perhaps sold it, and has been earned into a puppet. Your lack of courage and integrity was obvious from your demeanor and your answers, which were only talking points. I remember at all that talked when one poll her string and released it. I believe she was called Chatty Cathy. How can you live with yourself? How can you look in a mirror without feeling nausea? How can you be with your wife, and your kids, and not feel ashamed of yourself? How would you like it if one of your children were doing what you were doing today? Could you respect them? Can you respect yourself? I truly doubt it. You seemed like a man who has lost his self-respect and any vestige of independence. I think there is only one way for you to redeem yourself. You must first stop being a puppet. You need to quit your job as Parliamentary Sec. for Harper. It is a toxic position and is in the process of killing your humanity. Then you must tell the truth you know about the working of Harpers government and the PMO. Confession is good for the soul, as you must know. And letting sunlight into that dark world would be good for you and for it and the others who inhabit it. Then you must cross the floor to sit as an independent conservative. It is the only way to get straight with yourself, your wife and kids, your constituents and your God. Good luck Paul. I am hoping you free yourself from the slave chains youre wearing. You do not want to be the zombie you have become. With my best wishes, W. Robert Arnold
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 06:24:02 +0000

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