This is beautiful...and was so perfectly explained by Cynthia - TopicsExpress


This is beautiful...and was so perfectly explained by Cynthia Morris that i wanted to share her words with it. Must watch the whole video. So beautiful to watch two women of different beliefs...connect on such an unselfish level. From Cynthia Morris: This video is a must watch til the end. Just saw it from a post on FB and it reminded me about a post yesterday about 3 children under the age of 15 that were beheaded for praying to Jesus and not Mohammed. May God give strength to their family for i cant imagine such horror. It saddens me not only the wars of countries against each other..But the war of religion/beliefs. Theres so much to say of this. But thats why there is no peace on earth. The constant of whos right or wrong.. The judging... Separation of families and friends. Cant we all just let each other be ... Respect it... And get along??? This video is exactly what Im talking about. Naomi Feil.. A Jewish woman shows here what love.. Peace.. And Harmony is all about. Poor Mrs Wilson has Alzheimers. Shes there all alone and her family? Who knows. But no matter Mrs Wilson heritage...religion... Etc... Mrs Feil treated her as an individual and humbled herself for Mrs Wilson for her time was growing short and some love and compassion will do both some good. And being of Jewish faith... She sang to her old church songs because this would make Mrs Wilson happy. What Mrs Feil got in return was amazing. I know Naomis mother... Helen Feil is proud of her daughter as she looks down on her from the heavens for I know she taught her daughter well. For when her mother was in Germany.... Her early education was taught by Ursuline Nuns and they respected and nurtured her Jewish beliefs. Those three children didnt deserve that. It breaks my heart. No one deserves such horror or bullying because of their belief. Praying hard for peace. The other thing is that when people get to such age and especially becoming locked in... Its that line again of incompatible with life. Just like Jacob which I was suggested to terminate. As Naomi tells you here.... You just need to keep trying and you will see. She also mentions that just like a baby.... When being caressed on the face...every cell will remember a mothers touch and will look up at you. Sssoooo true for Jacob always loved that and I do have videos of it and how calm he was especially when crying and once hearing my voice he would calm. But yet......Supposedly hes severely mentally disabled as what they say about T18. All I had to do was look into his eyes and it was an angelic world in there. He was perfect. Our bodies is just a shell. And you can see it through Mrs Wilson as she tried to pull through to connect with Naomi. Our bodies may deteriorate and die but not the soul. When there is love.... There is life. May there be peace between each other no matter where you are from and what your beliefs are. God bless.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:51:14 +0000

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