This is excellent news and also a very valid argument as well. Why - TopicsExpress


This is excellent news and also a very valid argument as well. Why is there a worldwide movement aiming at legitimizing the struggle of Palestinians whilst a major part of the Kurdish question, PKK has been shackled. Indeed PKK has rejected the methodology of a violent struggle since the late 90s and now adhere to strict international codes and rules of engagement. Perhaps there are elements that have carried out counter-productive actions but these elements commit such acts intentionally to hurt the movement. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to note the reaction of the Turkish representative present at this meeting. Can PKK be delisted? Is it realistic? There will naturally be huge repercussions for Turkish-EU/US relations. Can or should the West ignore calls for the delisting of PKK considering the wider convergence of conflict symbolized by Ukraine? I.e. the current realignment of two main blocs: US/UK/France and co versus Russia/China and co. Turkey is geopolitically a very important strategic partner for the West. However, their sudden turn towards desecularization and towards Islamization also hints to shifting allegiances away from anti-Western influence. This does not necessarily mean they are jumping into the Russian/Chinese camp but merely away from the West. They will eventually have to choose a side if this happens. That in itself is a very dangerous position. Therefore, could the Kurds be considered a viable replacement? Would their lack of statehood and lack of any real control of resources (barring south Kurdistan of course) deter the West? Certainly if this argument was made 10 years ago it would have been considered flat-out ridiculous. It still isnt a very convincing argument but the Kurdish struggle is now gaining huge momentum and public backing from the West. That gives power and credibility to Kurds.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 10:33:58 +0000

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