This is for New Students but a good review for all - TopicsExpress


This is for New Students but a good review for all students. “Jiu Jitsu Hygiene” Jiu Jitsu is an art requiring you and your training partners to get up close and personal with each other every training session! Now due to such close body contact there should be a few ground rules in regards hygiene before you or your training partners ever step on the mat! Please ensure that you are clean and smell pleasant. It is extremely uncomfortable and gross to train with someone who reeks of bodily odours or hasn’t appeared to have showered in days. Aside from this it is unhygienic and you could contaminate and spread skin infections etc! Please ensure that your Gi (Kimono) or training gear is washed and if necessary disinfected before each session! As previously mentioned dirty training gear is disgusting and unpleasant for your training partners and you should refuse to train with anyone who does not wash their training gear after every class! Dirty training gear is a breeding ground for disease and infection and can be potentially dangerous to you and your training partners due to the risk of MSRA or Staph infections etc. So again please wash your Gi (Kimono), Belt, T-shirts/Rashies, shorts and protective equipment. And if you have training gear such as MMA gloves that can’t be washed then at least make sure to disinfect and properly air out your equipment so it does not stink or become dirty and disgusting. Please insure that your finger and toe nails are always clipped short. This is also important to help prevent scratches and cuts during training which could also become infected. If you have long hair please tie it up so that your training partners don get it in their faces and it is not pulled/ripped out and spread all over the mat etc. One of my female students Kelly informed me that she read somewhere on a women’s BJJ blog that tying your hair into one or two braids is most effective for women and it seems to have been working for her in class! Come to think of it when watching high level females compete in BJJ, Grappling and MMA this does appear to be the norm so I thought I would pass that bit of information on! Try and insure that you don’t have bad breath! Again it can just be really uncomfortable and embarrassing for you or your training partners to have to put up with! If at all possible train in a rash vest or even better a long sleeve rash vest! Rash vests wick away sweat from the surface and help prevent the spread of infection and obviously a long sleeve rashie offers you even more protection than a short sleeve one. Once a t-shirt becomes totally soaked it looses its value for preventing the transfer of skin diseases/infections. If you have any signs of a rash or skin irritation, please get it checked out immediately and don’t train until you have Doctor’s clearance to do so. Aside from it being quite disgusting again the risk of infection is very high especially due to the close body contact. Even after getting clearance make sure it is adequately taped up/covered/protected so it still does not make any direct contact with your training partners! Finally make sure you are wearing deodorant and cologne or at the very least smell pleasant! This last point should be self-explanatory! So there we have it a basic overview of what is expected of you as student when you turn up to class to train! If you abide by these rules, turn up with a good attitude and are eager to learn you should be welcome anywhere you go! Good Luck with Your Training and Happy Rolling!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 08:54:22 +0000

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