This is for all the Cop Haters. As most of you know my chosen - TopicsExpress


This is for all the Cop Haters. As most of you know my chosen career was Law Enforcement. I spent 30 years as a Cop. I am sick and tired of people putting Cops down and judging their actions when you dont have a clue. Police work is a career not just a job. Its something you want to do, once its in your blood you cant get it out. There is a strong Brotherhood in Law Enforcement because most of the time we are the only one there for each other when the Public is not and often your own Department is not. I would have taken a bullet for any Cop I worked with and I know they would have done the same for me. The truth is any Cop would also take a bullet for any person including Cop Haters. We dont care about the color of your skin or anything else about you other then we took an Oath to Protect and Serve. People are wearing shirts that say I cant breath and putting their hands in the air saying dont shoot IDIOTS AND UNEDUCATED IN POLICE WORK IS ALL I CAN SAY!!!!!!!!The bottom line is comply with the Cops orders do what you are told and you wont be hurt or killed. People need to study EVERYTHING about the incident NOT just what they think or heard before mouthing off and jumping on the band wagon. The guy in New York did not die because of a choke hold. He died because of the compression to his chest meaning he was laying facedown and the chest was compressed. The injuries to his throat and chest came from life saving measures that were performed by Medical Professionals. He chose to resist and not comply with the arresting Officers. Even if he was saying I cant breath the Officers are not going to stop and say OH WAIT he cant breath.You dont let a suspect up until he is in cuffs. Again comply and all will end well for everyone. I do not know of one Cop that goes to work just wanting to kill a person. Myself and every Cop out there knows that when you start your shift it could be the day you will be forced by another person to shoot, hurt or kill them. My number one goal was to go home at the end of every shift no matter what it took. I was shot at by a Female at Middlebury and Prairie. I was there to arrest her on a Warrant. She must have been watching me get out of my car. She came out the frontdoor of the apartment took one shot and missed me. I got behind a trash dumpster. I counted every round she fired there were 7. I could not return fire because of people standing behind her and people outside and that was the only thing that saved her life because I knew I was going home. I was able to arrest her. I had a person slice across the front of my uniform with a knife i have been spit on and at.I was called every name in the book plus some I had never heard of. I have seen things that most of you could not stomach like dead kids, people with their heads blown off, people hanging at the end of ropes, bodies torn apart, brains dripping from the ceiling, missing body parts, rotting bodies, kids screaming in pain, famlies crying when I had to tell thm their loved one was dead. I have dealt with drunks puking in the back of my squad and to trying to make it to the Jail before I would puke.TRY BEING A COP I DARE YOU. Do you know whats it like to go to a house knowing there is a person with a gun inside? Would you approch a car knowing the people inside just committed an Armed Robbery Would you enter a building with all the lights off to find the guy who broke into the building? Have you ever talked to someone in person or on the phone with a gun in their mouth because they want to dye?? I have Have you ever looked at a dead body that has so many stab wounds you cant count them and there is no blood left in the body TRY BEING A COP I DARE YOU Cops miss Birthdays, Holidays, family events we do this to PROTECT YOU. Do you know whats its like to go to your kids Little League games and hope you get to at least see them play a few minutes before you get a call??? I DO So many Cops work 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet and all because we took a Goverment Job TO PROTECT YOU. Some people say deal with it you chose. Have you ever been told by a member of County Goverment when we were tryng to get a pay increase that we knew we were going to be second class citizens where we took the job so there wont be a pay raise??? So many Cops work 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet because we took a low paying Government job TO PROTECT YOU. People say well whatever you chose it YES we did because it was our calling to protect YOU and the COP HATERS. COPS ONLY WANT TO HEAR GOOD JOB, WE ARE PROUD OF YOU, WE SUPPORT YOU, WE CARE. TAKE A MINUTE AND SEND A THANK YOU CARD TO YOUR LOCAL POLICE OF SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT OR HOW ABOUT SENDING THE DEPARTMENT A CHRISTMAS CARD ???? IF YOU DONT SUPPORT THE POLICE WE ARE NOT FRIENDS SO GET OFF MY FACEBOOK PAGE OR I WILL REMOVE YOU!!!!! I HAVE NO ROOM FOR YOU IN MY LIFE AND DONT WANT YOU THINK WE ARE FRIENDS BECAUSE WE ARE NOT. MAY GOD BLESS EVERY COP OUT THERE AND KEEP THEM SAFE !!!!!!!!!! I DARE YOU TO WALK IN A COPS SHOES.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 21:08:58 +0000

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