This is from Milena Cerin, one incredible coach. Thank you for - TopicsExpress


This is from Milena Cerin, one incredible coach. Thank you for all your help. Ranka The reason why... Sep 1 2014 Today was a beautiful day. Nothing particularly special happened, it was just a lovely day. Mainly because deep in my heart I felt peace and happiness and that is actually what made this day beautiful. But while I was out and amongst other people, I heard a few people arguing, I also saw a couple that was not very happy and was breaking up. Lots of stuff that could be prevented if these people would have the right tools and skills. I wasnt always at peace, I wasnt just born like this. I had to work for it, had the courage to look inside of me and say, I dont like a few things, lets get them out of here. Things like past hurts and resentments, fear, anger... All kinds of stuff that people usually dont want to talk about much, but they are a big part of their lives. And so I cleared that out of me and have changed many things, especially my relationships and career. What I mostly realized was the fact that we can mold our life into what we want it to be. Yes, we can! Isnt that exciting? Sure, it takes work to clean up the mess first and then create new life, but it is worth it! And here is why. Did you ever think if everything was possible, what would your life be like? What would be the best part about it? What are your dreams? Where do you want to see something change or what area of your life would you like to enhance? Now when you know what you want, can you think of what is standing in your way to get there? And what is the worst part of these obstacles? It is really sad when people start thinking about what they want and then they follow with the dreadful word: BUT! It looks something like this: I would love to have a wonderful relationship with a loving man, but.... Or another example: I would love to be financially independent, but... Or: I would love to move to Florida, but... You know what I mean, right? Just imagine for a moment that you could change all those buts so that you could freely achieve the life that you desire, what would that do for you?! You can mold your life into what you want. You CAN. Is it easy? No, it is not. It takes courage and work. Does it happen over night? No. It takes a bit of a time. But what starts happening immediately is the fact that as soon as you start working on yourself, you notice changes, important changes. First you realize that you are not stressed out anymore as you were before, then you notice that you handle relationships better, then people around you start changing, you get promotion or some money just shows up... One change after the other. And then one day you look back and you say, wow a year ago I couldnt imagine to be where I am today! What a great success! One day you just notice that life has changed, changed for the better, changed so much that it seemed like you molded it into what you always wanted it to be. And that my friend, that is a success. And the final thought: If you would start changing what doesnt work for you a year ago, where would you be today? What would your life be like today? Perhaps it is time to do something differently now... and then a year from now you will look back with a sparkle in your eyes, saying: Yeeees! I did it! I can elaborate on this topic and more if you want to reach out to me at 1 778 239 7996. hgresults
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:36:44 +0000

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