This is going to be a lengthy status because I dont know how to - TopicsExpress


This is going to be a lengthy status because I dont know how to post a note on here anymore. Please take the time to read it. I tagged several at the end just to throw it out there, feel free to untag yourself if you dont want the notifications. These are some of my thoughts on love, happiness, forgiveness, spiritual faith and the world we live in. My sources are life experiences that I have had, observations and the way I perceive and process things. Thoughts and comments are appreciated, just remember what the main message is - love. Love is a choice, it is also a practice. It is something we must train ourselves to do consistently. Show love and compassion in all situations, no matter how unfavorable. You must learn the importance of forgiveness. It can be hard if someone harms you. If you are strong enough in love to forgive someone who has hurt you and left a negative mark in your life, you will be happier. This doesn’t mean that what the person did was okay, it just simply means you have let it go and that you do not let those dark thoughts control you. Do it for yourself. Have faith that you will become happier, but you must put in the effort. Anything good in this life is worth the work. You must constantly remind yourself to be happy and to love unconditionally. I didn’t understand the Bible much when I was growing up but what I’ve come to realize is that Jesus wants us to be happy. He wants us to love others, share the love of the word, forgive others, ask for forgiveness and make good choices. Give the leader credit and include him in your life as a friend and a teacher. I suppose I’m a Jesus-following hippy of sorts. I think Jesus was one of the original hippies. I believe that when he walked on this earth, he laughed a lot and showed compassion to those who normally did not receive it. I’m sure he didn’t use substances because he didn’t feel the need of a “doorway’ because there was no “wall” between him and The Creator. Why is it different for some of us? You know they say you have a universe inside of your body? The universe inside of your body and love inside of your soul, if you so choose. That’s a lot of love inside of you. You can have a whole universe of love inside of your body as long as you add The Creator of this love… unconditional love. Some Christians can say they believe, but do they all strive to be? Growing up in several different churches and a conservative Christian family, I have noticed that many so often worry about what others believe. There is so much condemnation within the churches themselves even, that the elders and preachers send each other away because of disputes over who is “right,” despite the fact that, overall, they believe in the same thing. They become more concerned on convincing than focusing on good communication, loving one another and respecting the beliefs (or lack of) and opinions of others, including those who show peace already. I once heard that one of the causes of atheism is Christianity itself, and from some of my experiences in church, I can understand why people say this. I think it’s good to talk about philosophy. It’s important to share your spiritual faith with others, but on both sides. Witness to others on a much more personal level; understand where they are at in their spiritual walk and why. I believe that Jesus is the way to Our Creator, because he is an example of unconditional love; he brought unconditional love into this world from the universe and taught us how to love. Why have so many of us forgotten where we have come from? We were birthed from the stars and from the dirt of the earth. We must remember our roots and the one that wishes to help us maintain these roots, as long as we seek help. We cannot continue feeding them processed foods and negative energy. They need the light to grow and to thrive. They need the clean air and the pure love that nourishes them. They need the nutrients of the dirt. We are the roots and humanity is the tree - let’s grow our love so strong together that they can feel it in space. “All the trees in the forest grow tall together, why can’t we?” – Dan Smith, Listener (Good News First) One of my current frustrations is the general brainwashed society that we live in. Many people blindly follow the government without knowing that there is something wrong with the system. The federal government is corrupt and hungry for power and money. Many humans have been trained to be materialistic robots, filling their lives with meaningless possessions and vanity instead of seeking good spiritual health. Albert Einstein said “I may not know the truth, but I know falsehood when I see it…” mewithoutYou added “…and it looks like this whole world you’ve made.” (Elephant in the Dock) So many have walked away and so many are controlled by a dark energy. I have been gifted the capability of recognizing this. I can sense those dark energies and I know the difference. I can see the outcomes and the result of the overpowering negative energy in the world. Sometimes it scares me, but I remember that in the end, love wins. “I am no Master, I know nothing but I am a servant and I know something.” – Nahko & Medicine for the People (Black as Night) I know that I don’t have it all together because I am still young and still learning. There is more to experience in my life that will cause me to grow stronger and wiser. The more experiences that I have and the more people who I interact with, the more I will learn about life. Slowly but surely the questions and uncertainties I hold within me will be answered. I believe the meaning of life, that some people contemplate and so often complicate, is simply to be happy, help others and pray often. Pray in thankfulness for the love that resides in you, that keeps you afloat and pray for guidance that you will not forget about that love and you will not fall into the pull of negative energy that lurks in the world. Amen! Amanda, this is awesome! It is so profound! You are truly gifted at writing. I know because I am a harsh judge of writers. Your message is beautiful and you say it in such a beautiful way as well. Kudos to you, Amanda! I love you and adore you! And I always knew you would find your place. You are a free spirit like me and free spirits are not always accepted in this world. We march to the beat of a different drummer and are often misunderstood. And it often takes us time to put all the pieces of who we are together before we discover who we are truly meant to be. It took me years to figure it out. I now know that I am an “Amish hippie” and a healer. I trust that once we settle on our farm in Tennessee, my true self will blossom with the nutrients of sun, fresh air, hard work and the abandonment of my addictions to technology. Thank you for writing this and for sharing it with me. I think others would also benefit from reading this so get it out there! - Elizabeth Joly Adrian Andersen Aaron John William Aaron Avila Abbie Sue Groesser Rebecca Lynn Craig Andrew Rozhon Andrew Craig Brandon Marks MarinaDawn L. Songster Maureen Gravette Crocco Emily Katzenbach Luke Oakes Jessica Lawson Twila Conklin Don Groesser Kathy Jelinek Groesser Ash Winger Samantha Stabell Caitlin Stabell Tom Hadlich AJ Callina Pilgrim Metts Ben Forgie Sarah Saturday Ben Wastèd Brian C. Joly David Joly Mindy Rose Thomason Jarrell Merrifield Jared Kahoalii Barrett Rush Miller Russell Decimus Meridius Hiltner J Evan LeFreak Kevin Joly
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 19:23:11 +0000

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