This is inevitably what happens when governments favour their rich - TopicsExpress


This is inevitably what happens when governments favour their rich friends over the people. This is a challenging time for the Irish people, we must continue united and finish what we started, you do not give up when victory is in sight. We will continue to peacefully protest until this government falls and #Irishwater with it. #DEC10 SURROUND THE DAIL - Goodbye FG/LAB Via Workers Solidarity Movement We have just received this video footage of the scenes outside Coolock Garda station this evening as gardaí attack and pepper-spray anti water charge protestors. Earlier today 5 local residents were arrested as they blockaded Taoiseach Enda Kenny at Santry Sports Clinic. The High Court today granted water meter installation company GMC Sierra a 20-metre exclusion zone around water meter installation sites. What we are being told by those who rule over us is that they will tolerate protest as long as it is ineffective. We can stand around waving placards at Enda Kenny, or we can stand 20 metres away from a water meter installation. But at the point at which our protests become effective - when they disrupt the work of putting in meters or when they halt the mercs of our leaders all the forces of the state will be used against us. But they have no power against a united people. Standing together we can win. And every time they attack us - either in the courts or with their batons and pepper spray - it should renew our determination to tell them where they can shove their water bills. Solidarity with those feeling the brunt of the states force this evening. https://facebook/video.php?v=10203397344397210&set=vb.1319915454&type=2&theater
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 21:26:09 +0000

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