This is my beautiful friend Cynthia and her story. I am so happy - TopicsExpress


This is my beautiful friend Cynthia and her story. I am so happy to see my friend so full of energy, enthusiasm and appreciation of life. Cynthias 2 photos show the physical difference in her presentation between October 2013 and 14 January 2014 - in a matter of weeks, this woman has changed her life. Individual results may vary. ------------------------------------ Testimonial by Cynthia Taylor: (This picture reflects my body transformation since using Herbalife Nutritional product over the last 10 weeks.) On 24 May 2013, my husband Will, big brother Jordan and I welcomed the birth of our daughter, Madison. I was overweight when I fell pregnant with Madison and my unhealthy weight likely contributed to me developing Gestational Diabetes and requiring 3 shots of insulin a day towards the last few months of my pregnancy. I was just shy of 95KG before giving birth to Madison almost 8 months ago. The prospect of developing future health concerns obviously concerned me so I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and do something about it. In July I really started focusing on my diet and on previous advice I had received from a dietician, I started doing a lot of exercise, joined a local gym and continued to watch what I ate. I had a very strict ‘healthy’ diet and gave away all things sugar. Between July and October I worked very hard to regain control of my health. I managed to loose 3.6KG however I was struggling with having the energy to keep up with my children, cook, clean and do exercise. Since starting on the Herbalife nutrition program 10 weeks ago, I have lost 7 KG and over 25cm from my body. For the first time in almost 7 years, I today tipped the scales at under 70KG. I have spent most of the last 4 years in the low to mid 80KG. I have gone from a size 16 to a size 12 and I have gone about it a healthy way and my doctor is supportive of this. My energy levels are amazing and I am able to get through the day without feeling like I need a sleep. In addition my weekly grocery bill has also decreased. For the first time in a long time, I feel confident and happy in myself and my mental health is also the best it has been in many years. I will continue to work on my healthy weight loss goals whilst improving my fitness and I am loving being able to help so many of my loved ones make changes to improve their own lives. Herbalife has changed my life and all those around me as the old happy confident Cynthia has resurfaced.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 20:18:20 +0000

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