This is my two cents on depression. If you have it or think you - TopicsExpress


This is my two cents on depression. If you have it or think you might have it, go to your local Alberta mental health clinic and access individual and/or group therapy. It is free. Surprisingly it is confidential (was a big worry for me). And I am happy to report the services have been much improved since I worked in Ponoka 15 years ago. There is an actual treatment instead of just management of symptoms. If that is not your experience, try another and another until you find the right fit for you. Honestly you absolutely CANNOT do it on your own, even if you are aware, smart, open, etc. You just cant. So access help and as hard as it is tell people what you are feeling. And for the loved ones of those with depression, it is a hard road for you too. Just ask my family and the very few friends I let know. They have taken shifts literally taking care of me at the worst times. I needed them but was not always open or welcoming to their help. I could see that they cannot fully grasp why I just simply could not do it. (It being everything). Physically, logically i knew, but my brain was hijacked and I simply could not rise to the occasion. I know it is hard to reconcile who I was twenty years ago with what they have had to deal with. It totally sucks, for everyone. What I can also tell you that shaming never, ever works. I dont think people do it on purpose. But saying suicide is a cowards way out or that having those thoughts are selfish only feed the demons. I am lucky in that I have never attempted suicide. I work hard to keep it that way. Simply put, people with depression just need your love and support. They need to know that they are loveable and perfectly imperfect no matter what. That they are enough just as they are wherever they are in their journey (dont we all?:) yes encourage them to seek professional help. But also, drop by for a quick visit. Dont wait to be asked. Bring them a meal. Cut their grass. Do their laundry. And hug them. Simply...just love them when they cant love themselves. And dont forget to support the ones doing the supporting too. That is my two cents.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 03:01:14 +0000

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