This is part of the problem. Celebrities that have never been to - TopicsExpress


This is part of the problem. Celebrities that have never been to Nunavut think they can speak about the seal industry and how ridiculous it is. Meanwhile, they dont give a shit about the 650 million cows slaughtered in Canada annually. The seal populations are at a record high, and Inuit can benefit from a higher quality of life by being able to reap the benefit of our own natural resources! I challenge Sarah to put her money where her mouth is and go visit Nunavut, go see Pond Inlet (my favourite place in the world), and see if your stance doesnt change. I see her music used in commercials for starving African children, but she is against the growth of poverty ridden demographics in her own country? How much money do you think is made by these animal rights organizations specifically from cute seals? Millions. Please be quiet Sarah, or find a way to bolster a post-colonial society whilst feeding people. m.thestar/#/article/news/canada/2012/04/10/sarah_mclachlan_asks_stephen_harper_to_end_seal_hunt.html
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 22:38:29 +0000

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